- four.

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even after nicolas and jack broke up, the bullets, they still ran deep. lodged in his skin as the same mindset that he wasn't good enough stayed engraved in his mind.

"jack? you done? i need to take a crap and you've been in there a while. you okay?" zach's voice was muffled by the barrier between the two.

"yeah, i'm fine." jack smiled as he looked at the younger, moving out of his way and exiting.

"can i have water now?" jack whispered to himself as he felt dehydrated, the fluids he had we're gone, emptied down the drain just moments before.

yes, but not too much. save some for later.

jack smiled at that idea, finally getting something to drink, as he had not eaten or drank all day.

he trailed to the kitchen weakly, which he hoped had been covered up by his small smile he had greeted the three other boys with, them all rocking with the motions of the bus.

"hey jack." corbyn smiled sadly as he waved slightly.

he knows. did you fucking tell him? i have been nothing but nice to you. you know what, now after zach gets out, you can go back in, and throw up that water, fatty.

you're overthinking this. maybe he's sad about something else. please don't make me throw up again, you said only once today.

no, not anymore you elephant. look, there goes zach. go to the bathroom.

jack had a mental battle, before heading back to the bathroom with a littls drag of his foot, waiting for zach to point out he was just in there.

"jack? you we're just in there, why are you going back in?" daniel spoke up, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked at jonah, worry clear in his eyes, as jonah looked back with the same look.

"i just have to..."

what do i say? the truth.

don't. if you do, i swear to god.

well what DO i say?

you forgot something.

"i forgot my phone, i swear, i'll be back." jack fake chuckled as he walked in, quickly throwing up the contents in his stomach and smiled, leaving.

as he threw open the door, corbyn stood there.

"forgot your phone, huh?" he said as he held up jack's phone to his face, jack snatching it from him.

"oops. i was looking for it." jack laughed dryly, walking towards his bunk as corbyn followed.

lay down and sleep.

for once, he agreed. he needed sleep, no matter how much he didn't want to.

"jack we need to talk." corbyn's voice rang throughout the back of the bus, and jack laid down, silent, as tears streamed down his face.

no, don't he'll think you're a freak.

maybe he can help.

no one can help you, you're going to stick to fasting and you're going to throw up everything you can. tell him to go away.

"no we don't. go away." jack said harshly as he laid on his side.

"don't ignore me jack." corbyn said as he grabbed jack's shoulder, before jack shrugged it off.

"i'm not, i'm talking to you. you're the one ignoring me. you're the one ignoring me when i say i'm fine and we don't need to talk, you're the one ignoring me and talking to me after i said to go away. so go away!" jack yelled as he closed his curtain, hearing a deep sigh and footsteps towards the front.

god, you're such a disappointment.

i know.

you're such a freak.

i know.

you're such a fuck up.

i know.

you're so fat.

i-i know.

— 602 words.
— edited.

perfect || j.a. » c.b.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang