- seven.

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after that day, jack didn't puke during the day. instead he stuffed himself with food during the day just so he could throw it all up at night. to some, it may be seen as unhealthy but to jack, it worked. he was at 119 pounds, not good enough but still close enough.

he sacrificed his sleep just so he could be perfect, but it was worth it. he was light-weight. perfect, no one could look at him and call him fat. the voice in his head died down.

he was happy. he was happy. he was was happy. but now he isn't.

as jack hunched over the toilet, fingers prodding the back of his throat as he felt the bile rise.

"my god, you're so fat. i even believe i stanned you,"

you're so fat, even she said it. you need to start doing it again.

but i promised corbyn—

go weigh yourself. if you're not 119 or less then i'm right.

124 pounds. jack was 124 pounds, he needed to start again. he need to be skinny, perfect.

see, you're fat again. now you need to lose more weight, your new goal is 100 pounds.

but that's too low.

maybe you shouldn't be as fat.


jack nearly choked on his fingers, bile rising in his throat as he tried to empty his stomach. tears cascaded down his face, his lips chapped as he glanced at the clock. 12:07 a.m.

jack sniffed, flushing the toilet as he brushed his teeth.

today, nothing except for water. understand?


— 261 words.
— edited.

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