Ch.1 Better Late Than Never (Ryoko Sakaki)

Start from the beginning

"Hehe," she laughed nervously, "they're just hungry, I think. That's how they looked when I found them wandering the halls aimlessly. I think they were attracted to the scent of your cooking."

"How flattering, though in fairness, I don't know anyone who can resist the crisp aroma of bacon on the stove. Why don't we sit them somewhere more comfortable and...oh crap!" He almost forgot the mushrooms, and quickly emptied them onto a plate before turning off the burner. The bacon looked ready, so he removed it as well. "As I was saying, I'd be willing to give up my breakfast here if it results in a resurrection. Looks like they need it more than I do."

"Are you sure? You're not just saying that because you almost burnt the mushrooms?" The offer sounded genuine, but she couldn't resist teasing.

"What? I would never," he winked. He helped set them up at one of the kitchen counters, lifting Soma while Ryoko grabbed Megumi. To finish up the dish, he emptied the eggs into a pan that had been heating, then threw in the peppers, mushrooms, and bacon. While he stood in front of the stove, he continued to converse with Ryoko.

"So is this your first day here at Totsuki?" she asked, glad that there was something to talk about aside from her unconscious friends.

"Yep. My flight got in early this morning. It's been a whirlwind these past few days. Hence why I'm in the kitchen with only 15 minutes until class time," he explained, glancing at the clock.

"Oh wow! And you were still able to reserve this cooking hall?" He stopped what he was doing and looked up at her.

"You're telling me that we have to RESERVE these things?" His eyes darted around, apparently expecting the kitchen police to burst in and arrest him on the spot. This earned an adorable laugh.

"Since no one else is here, I'm sure it's fine. Usually we sign our names in advance on the little whiteboards outside the rooms." she explained.

"Aha, I see I have much to learn about this strange and foreign land." He resumed his work on the scramble, tossing some shredded cheese in.

"Judging by your accent, I'm guessing you came from the States?"

"Nailed it. Beauty and brains? You're quite the catch, uh..." he realized his manners. "We didn't even have a proper introduction! And here I was getting all familiar. I'm Tormund Waldenpond," he said. "But please, call me Torrey."

"Ryoko Sakaki." She smiled. "That name doesn't sound American at all..." she trailed off, while trying to process the 'beauty and brains' comment.

"Yeah my parents are really into our Norse ancestry. I think it's kinda neat, but Tormund sounds really old school." He finished cooking and made two plates, setting them in front of Ryoko's companions. "And who might they be?"

"Oh, right. Those are my friends Soma and Megumi. I'm sure they'll be joining us shortly. Though it looks like we might have to feed them ourselves."

"I never imagined that I'd be cooking for the first chef's I meet here. And feeding them too! What an amusing intro to Totsuki," he reflected. "So how do you guys know each other?"

"We're all from the same dorm, actually. Megumi and I have been there since middle school, but Soma transferred in at the start of the school year. There's more of us too; it's really like one big, happy family over at Pol..." she was interrupted by the exorcism of Megumi Tadokoro, who had just been fed her first bite of scramble.

"Ahhhh! Soooo good," she cried, the color returning to her face along with a smile. She looked around the room. "Wait, where am I? And who...are...y-y-y" she stuttered as she met Torrey's eyes.

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