Day 10: G/T AU

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Mwahaha I've been waiting for this day lol, I might repost this in my oneshot book and maybe on tumblr :3

Avery gently rustled the borrower sleeping on his chest. He chuckled to himself as he stirred awake and looked around while still half sleep.

"Huuuuwhat?" He moaned sleepily. Avery hooked a finger gently under his chin to lift it and look him in the eyes.

"It's almost lunch time, I gotta go make us some food, Winston. So I'll have to move you so I can stand up." He whispered to him. Winston was more alert now. Ever since Avery rescued him from falling to his death, they'd been rather close. But, Winston still got anxious around hands, so Avery refrained from carrying the borrower at all, except in case of an emergency.

"Oh...o-okay." He mumbled nervously. He closed his eyes as he felt Avery's trunk like fingers smoothly snake around his body. He let out an involuntary whimper of fear.

"Hey, hey, shhhh...I gotcha, Winston. You're safe, you don't have to be afraid." Avery cooed quietly as he held the borrower while he stood up. Once he had, he deposited the borrower down on floor near his little mouse hole to his home inside the walls.

"Meet me in the kitchen?" He asked while crouching down to view his friend.

"Sure thing!" Winston shouted up to him, before darting away into the wall. Avery stood back up and left his room, sighing. He wished there was a way he could show Winston that he meant no harm whenever he requested to hold him.

Avery popped into the kitchen, giving his friend a small wave as he did.

"So, what do you want for lunch?" He asked, resting his elbows in front of the borrower. Winston stood silent, and looked up at the human.

"I-I'm not picky...whatever you're having is fine!" He said cheerfully. Avery gave him a look.

"You know you're allowed to choose something else, right? Are you sure you ant what I want?" He asked. When Winston nodded again, he relented, turning his back to him to make the sandwiches.

Winston took this time to relax while on top of the kitchen counter. That is, until he heard a noise behind him. Slowly turning around, his heart dropped into his stomach. A spider.

"O-Oh...Oh g-god n-no..." Winston squeaked. He had a deathly fear of spiders. The way they moved so fast with their long legs, and pounced on their prey. And with him being so small he practically was spider prey.

A sheer stroke of bad luck caused him to bump into a salt shaker, which in turn, caused said spider to notice his presence. It swiftly began scarring towards him, preparing for a meal of borrower. Winston was too frightened to turn and run, so he just stood frozen, trembling. He tried forcing words out of his mouth, but nothing came, until finally...

"A-AVERY!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. Avery whipped around to see the rather large spider, even by human standards, advancing on his friend. Thinking quickly, he whisked Winston off the table in a flash, albeit regretting it. Then he grabbed a napkin, and brought it down upon the spider, easily ending its life. He balled up the napkin and three it in the trash.

"Winston! Are you alright?" He asked worriedly, lofting the borrower to examine him, in case the spider had gotten to him. Instead of a reply, he was met with frantic squirming.

"P-Put me down! Put m-me down!!!" He exclaimed, beating on Avery's closed fist with his free hand.

"Winston, wait-!"

"PUT ME DOWN!!!!" He screamed again, going into hysterics. He started to full on sob, blubbering out quiet sentences like "please put me down." Avery quickly set him down, now grasping what he'd done. He'd grabbed him, without his permission. He'd probably just broken any trust they previously had together.

"Oh, my god..." Avery put his hands to his face, "Winston, I'm so sorry. I-I wasn't thinking properly, and I just...did it. I only wanted to get you safe, away from that huge spider." He tried to explain to the crying borrower. Winston did stop his tears, and looked up to the human, but didn't say anything.

"I guess you'll want to leave now..." Avery mumbled sadly, but Winston heard.

"W-What?" He piped up, confused.

"I broke your trust when I grabbed you probably don't want to be around me anymore..." He repeated. Winston watched his eyes well up with tears, before bravely speaking out.

"Pick me up." He stated. Now Avery was the confused one.

"Huh?" He was surprised.

"Please, I-I want to get used to it, so our friendship can be easier. Pick me up." He re-stated.

"Um, okay..." He obeyed. With slightly shaky hands, he laid one flat, then used the other to gently escort Winston onto the flat hand. Winston was nervous at first, but a kind smile from Avery, and a little bit of courage, were able to push down his fear as he stepped the rest of the way onto Avery's palm.

"Okay, here we go." Avery warned, slowly lifting his palms. Winston looked at the slowly falling room as he was lifted higher and higher. Eventually, he reached shoulder height.

"Wanna see the world from a human's point of view?" Avery asked. Winston was more excited than scared now. He eagerly nodded. Avery responded by letting him climb off of his palm, and onto his shoulder, where he grabbed fistfuls of the human's hoodie to support him.

"Woah...everything is so...tiny." He marveled. Avery nodded in agreement.

"I guess that's something most humans take for granted. We're so used to having the world catered to us, that we don't stop to wonder if there's other species that might need it more. Like you." Avery thought.

"I don't need any help. You're all the help I need." Winston smiled, snuggling in the crook of Avery's neck. Avery stiffened at the sudden affection, but smiled and returned it all the same. The two were an unlikely duo, yet inseparable.

That face when you make the mistake of laying down and typing so you fall asleep then wake up three hours later at 3 AM remembering the AU so you try to type more but you fall asleep again and end up posting this nearly 9 fucking hours late

I'm sorry

Peace out my dudes✌🏻🍪

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