Day 6: Soulmate AU (Clock)

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This is only the second out of five variations of soulmate au's oof

A bead of sweat trickled down Alden's forehead. The countdown clock on his arm read 00:00:00:00:03:58. He gulped. Only four minutes left until he would meet the person he was going to spend the rest of his life with.

(The syntax on the clock is years:months:days:hours:minutes:seconds in case anyone was confused by those zeros)

"Hey! Don't worry about it, Al! You'll be just fine! Go get em, dude!" His friend, Dillon encouraged over the phone. Alden smiled to himself.

"Thanks, Dil. You're the best." He replied. His clock was now down to just under three minutes. "I'd better go, three minute warning." He added. All he got for a reply was an excited squeal, then the line went dead. Alden stuffed his phone into his pocket, and wandered into a forested park area to relax.

Two minutes.

He scanned the park's entrances, watching for anyone who could possibly stand out.

Ninety seconds.

Feelings of anxiety began rushing up to greet him, so he made his way deeper into the park. What if his soulmate wouldn't like him? What if he wasn't good enough?

One minute.

He whipped out his phone again, sending a frantic text to Dillon. 'I can't do this.' He typed, and pressed send. The reply was nearly instant. 'Yes you can! He, she, or they will love you, I have 100% faith in you!!😄' Read the reply. Alden sighed heavily, putting his phone down next to him in the grass.

Thirty seconds.

He put his head in his hands, running over every possible outcome of this situation. Someone suddenly appeared next to him, snatching up his phone from the ground, and taking off.

"Hey!!!" Alden shouted after him.

Twenty seconds.

Alden's feet slammed against the concrete sidewalk as he desperately chased down the thief currently holding his phone.

Ten seconds.

"Somebody please stop him! He's got my phone!" He shouted as he ran past several pedestrians. His head pounded, his ears rung, his feet ached, but he couldn't stop. He took a quick glance at his countdown.


His stomach dropped.


He wasn't ready.







Just as the thief went to dart down an alleyway. A fist collided with his face, sending him to the ground. Alden stopped in his tracks, shocked. He looked up to the person who'd stopped him.


Alden bent down to pick up his phone. Once it was safe in his pocket, he approached the man, as he noticed by his features. It was then that he noticed his clock had hit zero, and the digital numbers were now fading away, as if they'd never been there for the past twenty years of his life.

"Umm...hi there. I'm Alden McCallister. Thank you for knocking him out, he was stealing my phone." He introduced himself awkwardly, "also I believe we're soulmates." He added, showing the man his fading clock, fully run down to zero.

"I believe we are, too!" He replied, holding up his own arm to reveal an identical fading clock. "My name is Winston Gray!" He introduced happily. He looked Alden in the eyes, trailing downwards, then coming back up again. "And may I add...yes, please."

Alden blushed a little. "You think I look good?" Winston nodded and giggled a little.

"Huh...nobody has ever said that about me. Well, my best friend Dillon has, but he only means it in a platonic way." Alden said mainly to himself. "Say, what were you doing down in this alley?" He suddenly asked suspiciously.

"Oh, just feeding the stray cats that live down here. I visit them every day, I'm starting to wonder if they think I'm their momma cat." He sighed. Alden thought back to earlier. He didn't have any reason to worry. Everything had turned out just fine. Winston seemed to be an absolute cinnamon roll. To be honest, he wouldn't want it any other way.

Woah look at this, posting before 11, are y'all proud of me?

Current story streaks:

Avery - 0 (lost it again my boi lmaoooo)
Dillon - 6
Winston - 4
Alden - 2

Dillon goin strong my dood, I might just have to put him in every story now to keep it going, but then I'll forget and be sad...

Peace out my dudes!✌🏻🍪

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