o7: "I'm Sorry for Ruining Your Stripper Rep."

Start from the beginning

Taking a seat, I began to feel out the information about myself. Including a fake name.

Height: 5"6'

Weight: 110 lbs

Hair color: Brunette

Eye color: Brown

DOB: January 19, 1993

Organ donor: Yes

Name: Jenna Shapely

State: Washington

Once I was finished filling out all the necessary information that was needed, I walked over towards Sandre and handed him the clipboard. He told me to take a seat while he went in the back to fix up the ID’s. I took it the hooker’s went in the back or maybe left since they were nowhere to be in sight.

“So what did you put as your name?” Cooper questioned, coming over to stand beside me.

“Jenna Shapely. What idiotic name did you choose?” I queried, smiling up at him.

“Ishmael is not an idiotic name.” Cooper defended, making me burst into laughter. Ishmael is so not a dumb name at all.

“Do you think you can pass for being muslim or something?”

“Of course. I am the muslimest guy you will ever come across.”

“Shut the f*ck up Coop. We are twins. And I look nowhere near muslim. Plus I do not even want to say I am muslim. “ Charlie retorted, rolling her eyes at Cooper.

“I can be whatever I want to be. It’s America. I live in a free country.” Cooper said, playfully hitting Charlie on the shoulder.

“If you guys stop acting like little kids, you can go and get your ID’s.” Alex muttered as he looked over at us.  If I was still an immature kid I would have stuck my tongue out at him and flipped him off, but instead I gracefully pulled myself off the chair I was sitting on and grabbed ahold of Cooper’s wrist, dragging him with me.

“Gladly,”  I let out and walked over to Sandre.

He handed us two cards, grinning at us widely.  I grabbed mine from his hand as Cooper did.  Charlie already had her in the back pocket of her faded blue jeans.

Alex walked up to Sandre and gave him another ‘bro’ hug and hand shake.  Alex was a d*ck, but he could be a loyal d*ck when he wanted to.  

“Alright, let’s get the f*ck out of this shady place before we get stabbed.”  Charlie shuddered, leaning slightly closer to me as if I would be able to protect her.  I smiled.

“Yeah, let’s--”  I was cut off by an irritating voice that made me want to hit something.  And that was saying something because I usually didn’t resort to violence to solve my problems.

“Hey, c*nt!”  The redhead screamed, clearly trying to get a rise out of me.  Cooper went to turn around, but I reached for his hand, silently telling him that it was okay.  That the hooker didn’t affect me.

“Great, add that to the list of terrible words I’ve been called today.”  I muttered under my breath.  I continued, “Let’s just get the f*ck out of here, guys.”

“Halle-f*cking-lujah,”  Charlie spoke with a smile.  Charlie loved that word.  I smiled back.

“Amen to that,”  Alex added.  “I mean, I love Sandre, but this place is so f*cked up.”  We all agreed.

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