o3: "If You Wanted to Play Footsie's, All You Had to do Was Ask."

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Chapter Three: "If You Wanted to Play Footsie's, All You Had to do Was Ask." 

"You won again, for the tenth time.”  Cooper said dryly, throwing a hand over his mouth as he yawned.  I giggled, that was such a girly thing to do.   Though, I sort of yawned also in mid-giggle, so I made this hiccup noise which made all three of us burst into a fit of laughter.

“You make the weirdest noises, Mickey!”  Charlie shouted in between her loud, cute laughs that I always wanted my laughs to sound like.  She was right; I always sounded like a dying cow compared to Charlie’s perfect melody she called a ‘laugh.’  Jesus, I was like a rejected kid’s teddy bear and Charlie was just over there like, “Supermodel Status.”  Even if every thing she did made me look like roadkill, I still loved Charlie.

“Yeah.  She’s like that phone app you can buy with all the weird noises.”  

“I totally know what you’re talking about!”  Charlie, who was still laughing, commented.  “Hey, Mickey, you remember in the eighth grade when we had Mr. Samuels as an American Cultures teacher?”

I chuckled, Mr. Samuels was the best.  “Yeah, why?”

“Because he always had that app, remember?  He would always make random noises with it during tests?”

I opened my mouth about to reply when Cooper cut in.  “What?!”  He boomed, “you had a teacher who goofed-off while you were taking exams?  WHAT IS LIFE RIGHT NOW?”

“You missed out on a lot, bro.”

“Yeah, school was actually pretty fun.”  I added, smiling at Cooper.  He smiled back.

“CURSE MY GREAT LOOKS AND AWESOMENESS!”  Cooper dramatically yelled to the ceiling, dropping to his knees as if it actually hurt to be as ‘awesome’ as he was.  Charlie walked over and patted him on the back.

“Yes it’s terrible, I mean your ‘awesomeness,’ if that’s what you’re calling it.”  Charlie sang sarcastically, making me laugh and Cooper scowl in her direction.

“You really shouldn’t have set our school on fire.”  I told him, watching him stick his tongue out at me in response.  No wonder he got kicked out of his house and set off to bootcamp; Cooper was so immature.

“Hey!”  He protested, “that prank was one of my finest pieces of work.”


“All is fair in love and war.”

“That doesn’t even make sense!”  I retorted.

“You don’t even make--”  Cooper was cut off by Charlie, who was still on the ground in front of the TV.

She directed her words to Cooper.  “Oh.  My.  God.  I finally know how Mickey feels when you and me scream at each other: annoyed.  Would you two just shut the h*ll up and lets get the f*ck out of this dump.”

I actually really hated to say this, but Charlie was correct in two scenarios.  One, it was extremely annoying when Charlie and Cooper would have yelling fits for the most idiotic reasons.  Second, we needed to get the f*ck out of this dump of a hotel room.

“Well I sure as hell am not giving that sorry *ss any of my money, you do realize that, correct?” Copper asked me, and I simply nodded.  He was right, we had no reason to pay for such a lousy *ss hotel room.  I mean I will probably be in the hospital tomorrow because I caught such a bizarre illness, due to my staying at this hotel.  Luckily none of us decided to sleep or anything.

A Risky Kind of Businessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें