Grain's Birthday Party

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Author's note: This was posted on Tom's birthday, so Tom's story is definitely going to be late.  Sorry.

This is not how The Emperor thought he'd spend his special day. Timmy and Zee jumped out from behind some trees while he was walking along his railroad and tagged him, saying he'd have to tag them both to not be it. Grian joined in on the game purely out of honor, even though he himself had plans for himself.

'Besides,' he thought, 'they didn't say I couldn't tag them with a sword.' Grian chased the duo into the woods, ready to get the game over with.

Little did he know, Zee and Timmy were just a distraction to keep him from his home in Downtown Evo, even though he hasn't been seen there in weeks. Inside the 'Embassy', there was a whirlwind of activity and excitement as the other Evo members set up a surprise for him.

"Okay, how do the streamers look from down there, Netty?" Salem called from the balcony.

Netty looked up at the colorful little streamers. She had to admit the colors on the wall looked quite festive as they popped off the brick and sandstone walls. There was just one thing missing.

"Salem, dear, you forgot to light it up."

Salem took looked at her error and let out a yell of frustration.

"Don't worry dear. You can get down and I'll do it."

Salem climbed down from her perch, grumbling all the way down, and boosted Netty up. She then turned to Pearl and asked, "Can you lend us Taurtis for a minute?"

"No," Pearl said, looking away from the furnace to answer, "I sent him out to get milk. We needed more for the cake. Go ask Tom and Big B for help if they're done."

Salem went to the opposite side of the building to check on the P.I. There, Tom and Big B were arranging a plate of cookies in front of the large and nicely arranged pile of gifts.

"Big B, don't eat these cookies. They're our present to Grian." Tom said, trying to sneak a cookie.

Big B slapped his hand.

"What'd you do that for?" Tom asked, rubbing his hurt hand.

"These are our present to Grian." Big B toaded with a smirk.

"Hey guys," they turned to face Salem, forgetting about the baked goods. "Netty and I need help lighting the place up. Can you two lend a hand?"

"Sure." Big B said, standing and brushing crumbs off his pants. Tom did the same, shooting a longing glance at the plate of cookies he was leaving behind as they left.

"Hey, where are Martyn and Mini?" Tom asked, climbing up to where Netty was pointing.

"They're at Mini's place getting the pinata," Pearl answered, pulling chicken out of the furnace before it burnt.

Mini and Martyn did have the pinata, but as they were leaving, they encountered a small problem.

"Where's the string that we hang this thing from the ceiling with?" Martyn asked shifting his grip on the pinata.

"I don't know. Must've misplaced it." Mini said, rummaging through a chest.

"How are we going to hang it up if we don't have the string?" Martyn asked, an incredulous edge to his voice.

Mini stopped his search and pulled out a lead. "This will have to do."

Meanwhile, towards the Distant Kingdom, Timmy and Zee took a small rest, waiting for their pursuer to catch up. Timmy pulled out his phone and decided to check the group chat while they waited.

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