Bear Traps

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Author's note: Apparently tomorrow meant 12:36 pm in my timezone.  Also, this is based on the Summer Camp series some of The Evolutionists are doing.  I just had this idea and thought it would be fun.  

Mini and Martyn were just setting up their new cabin. The small box with a was not actually theirs, nor was anything they were storing in there. Mini and Martyn had just moved out of the camp after finding assorted animal insides in their lockers but were unfortunately left out of Zee and Netty's gift-giving spree. Martyn was setting out a small mail chest and was getting the coordinates for it while Mini was hiding bear traps in the tall grass.

"Okay, now to place the buttons," Mini said.

"Are you sure this will work?" Martyn asked. He wasn't sure they'll be able to find the buttons in the grass nor was he sure that the gut people won't notice the buttons.

"I'm sure it will work. The buttons just look like stylistic rocks. They won't suspect a thing."

Martyn did not believe it. "Okay, let's go tell everyone the mail chest coords and pick up some food on the way. If I see any guts in the chest, I'm throwing you in a bear trap."

Mini flinched. "That's a bit harsh."

They both headed off to give coords and get food. Martyn and Mini weren't even gone for five minutes before the guts people came. Netty and Zee filled the mailbox with animal innards before moving on to the semi-obvious trap.

"Netty, you go in the cabin and fill the place, and get me some buttons while you're at it. I've got an idea." Zee said.

Netty complied and walked along the button path without even hitting a single trap. Once inside, she quickly looked around. There was Martyn's green locker, on the left, Mini's nowhere to be seen. The beds and a crafting table were in the middle, some chests were on the other side, and by the door was a wall of furnaces. Netty darted over to the locker and filled it with animal entrails before moving to the chests. She took a few bits of stone to make buttons after not finding any and filled any available space with more guts, and finally hid some guts among the furnace fuel before going off to make some buttons. Once she was done, Netty went back outside to see Zee had taken out the path.

"Zee, what did you do to the path?" she asked.

"I took it out," Zee said. "And I took out all the bear traps out front." He handed Netty some of them.

"They put traps out for us? How rude." Netty said. "Wait, what am I supposed to do with these?"

"Hand me a few buttons and set the "safe" path. We're going to mess with them." Zee explained.

The two of them set their little trap, before leaving a few signs outside to "explain" what they did and a sign and a small gift for their friends. Once done, they both quickly left, giggling like madmen.

When Mini and Martyn got back, they were mad when they saw guts in the mail chest, then almost raged when the saw the signs.

It read 'Hey guys, we noticed the trap and decided to improve it. There is a safe path and a trapped path. It's your job to find out which is which. Good luck."

"Well then, look who's trap failed!" Martyn yelled.

"Stuff it," Mini said, "Go take the left path. I'll take the right. One of us will probably find the correct one."

They both took their paths and walked along an elliptical path which supposedly lead to their door and neither of them could take a step without trapping a foot in the strong, sharp jaws of a bear trap, taking a fair bit of damage. Before they were even halfway through, they both just gave up and made a beeline for the door. Once inside, they noticed the chest and the sign. They decided to peek inside in case there was something nice, but Mini flinched a bit as he lifted the lid of the chest. Once they saw the light health potions, which would only help a little, they immediately downed them dry. Something is better than nothing. Then Martyn remembered the sign and read it aloud..

'Here's some health potions."

It was signed with a heart and a kissy x.

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