24. The Large Wolf in the Room

Start from the beginning

Emily sighed, and I saw an expression flash across her face. It seemed like pity.

My smile fell off my face and I began to take a proper look at where I was.

I was sat on a concrete floor with a brick wall in front of me, with two small windows high up, too high to be able to see through them. I slowly turned round and saw that we were in fact in some sort of cell, and that there were metal bars running from the floor to ceiling stopping us from getting to the door.

I jumped up and ran over to the gate, rattling the bars in the hope that it would just open.

"Cole, sshhhh!" Emily said frantically, and I turned to see her eyes wide with fear.

I hear a noise outside, and I quickly shrank back, away from the bars, and sat back down on the floor beside Emily.

The door to the room opened and a rather large and ugly man walked up to the bars and peered through at me.

"You're awake then?" the man asked gruffly.

"Y-Yeah," I stuttered back.

The man rubbed his stubbled chin with his hand and the movement drew my attention to a large scar that ran down his cheek. When my dad warned me about strangers as a child, this man was exactly what I would have pictured. He was the kind of guy you would cross the street to avoid.

"So you're not one of them then," he said, nodding his head towards Emily.

I frowned at him, looking briefly at Emily, whose eyes were fixed onto the man in front of us.

"You mean a woman? No I'm not."

The man let out a snort of laughter, but then glared back at me.

"No, you prick, I meant you're not a werewolf."

My eyes widened in understanding, but also in fear. He knew about werewolves?

I looked across at Emily for guidance, but she was still staring straight ahead at the man.

"W-What are you talking about?" I said, feigning ignorance.

"Really?" he said shaking his head. "We're going to do this are we?"

He then turned around and walked with purpose back out of the room.

I turned to Emily.

"What the fuck is going on?" I asked her, but she never moved. She was sat staring at the door, her jaw clenched tight.

"Emily, what are..."

I snapped my mouth shut when the guy walked back in pulling what looked like a hose pipe. The type that firefighters used.

I tilted my head to my side in confusion before suddenly there was a whooshing noise and water squirted out of the hose pipe at a tremendous force, hitting me straight in the chest.

The force of the water was enough to knock me backwards onto the floor, and leave me spluttering for air.

He kept spraying me, the icy cold water stinging against my bare skin. I tried to turn my back on the spray, only for it to push me back over, over and over again.

I was wet, cold and exhausted when the spray finally left me, and I realised he must have moved onto Emily.

I lifted my soggy head and looked over to her, and gasped.

Instead of Emily being sat next to me, there was a large grey wolf. The same grey wolf that was trapped in the net back at Worthington Manor.

The wolf was standing its ground against the spray, it's large body able to resist the force of the water better than my scrawny form.

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