The Selection Series - Murderer on the Loose - Chapter 8

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That night we left Angeles, we flew immediately to Paris. I was so shaken up from the plane ride that it was nice to see people we knew. We visited with Uncle Ahren and his family. I talked to Chantelle. More like I cried in her arms. We spent much of the time in hiding.

Paris was welcoming and they didn't mind us here. News got out that we were here after a week. My grandparents flew to Australia after the news got out. They couldn't stand being in the press like we were.

The people of Illea were mad. I'm not surprised, I was mad too.

We were ruling a country from another country. It got difficult. I sat through many hefty meetings and many arguments. Even Kerrtu gave her opinions. She hated it, hated being in those meetings, but I could tell that she wanted her country to be okay. Didn't we all?
"I'm probably am not going to retire for a while. Not through the midst of all of this. I can't have you becoming Queen, Lillian, in the middle of an attack from Marid. I've dealt with him for many years."

"Go ahead, I couldn't care less about when I become Queen." I sighed.

After spending 3 months in Paris for security reasons, our family made the decision to return to Illea. We returned to Allens, the province near my grandmother's hometown. They built a smaller palace for us to stay.

It was weird, I'll admit that. Being in Allens and starting a new life wasn't easy. I missed waking up to the Angeles sun, always having nice weather, Angeles had everything. It had the best people. It was where the lights and the fashion existed. I felt like a Princess in Angeles. I started to feel like a normal civilian in Allens. Everything was boring in Allens. It was cold. There wasn't much to do before we got here.

Soon after we moved to Allens, everything in Angeles moved to Allens. We turned Allens into what Angeles once was. It started to feel more like Angeles. Angeles turned into the once popular town, now abandoned.

My grandparents flew to Allens and they now live with us. It was our little family against the whole world.

A year has passed since that horrible day. Marid disappeared. His plan to attack and kill our family never went through, especially since we were in Paris. We live in constant fear that anything could happen to us, that Marid will come back. But we don't know.

One night, my entire family except for me was going to a media event to support ending homelessness. I was sick with the flu so I didn't go. I stayed home and read a few books of mine. Until I got a knock on the door.

"Your Highness," the guard bowed down to me. "I'm afraid I have terrible news."

"What is it?" I asked. I was prepared to hear anything.

"I'm afraid that Marlee, your grandmother's close friend, was murdered in her home tonight."

I close the door before he can say anything more and I fall to the ground, crying.

(editor's note - i wanted to thank everyone for the huge support i've gotten from sharing this story. i'm sorry that i took so long to update it - is it bad to say i kind of forgot? but i want to finish this story and give you the ending you maybe hoped for because i left off on a big cliffhanger. thank you for everything and i hope you stick along and continue reading my story. much love - wallydashal)

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 10, 2018 ⏰

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The Selection Series FanFiction - Eadlyn's Family, 20 Years Later - The PrincessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang