The Selection Series - Eadlyn Plans her Selection + Maxon - Chapter 5

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 Remember the conference we had about me being the Queen? Well, unfortunately, we decided today would be a perfect day to start where we left off.

"Okay, we should begin." My mom's voice projects the entire room. "We were last talking about, who's going to be the queen?"

Kerrtu stands up abruptly from her chair.

"Stop it. There's no 'who.' I'm not going to be sitting on my high horse, and getting fake flowers thrown at me in parades. Are we finished?" Kerrtu nods her head, her eyes bulging out.

I look down. I can see my mom getting offended.

"I'm sorry, would you like to repeat that?" My mom said.

"Answer my question before I do. Are we finished?" She snapped.

I can see my father rubbing his temples. None of us are having it.

"If you don't want to be a queen and have fake flowers thrown at you, fine. I never said you had to. But no matter what happens, 'Your Majesty' or 'Your Highness,' I will always be your mother. And I can tell you right from wrong. And if your attitude continues, you can live in a world of poverty. Quit it."

"Then let me live in a world of poverty!" Kerrtu screams, before walking out the door and slamming it as hard as she can.

My dad starts to get up to chase her down, but my mom gently puts her hand on his shoulder, meaning him to not. He sits back down.

Everyone sits in silence, even Noah. I would expect him to make a joke, but the air is too harsh for one.

"I am going to be the heir." I break the quietness.

"Okay." My dad nods.

"Do we get some say in this?" Sir Raymond speaks up. I forgot the advisors were in the room.

"Unfortunately, you do not." I sarcastically say, in an annoying matter.

Gee, the royal family loves silence, do they?

"I'm just going to leave." Says Lady Brice. She is my great-aunt, although she's not much older then my mother. She has been an advisor for a long time.

"You all are dismissed." My mother quietly huffs.

Everyone except my family gets out of their seats and heads for the door. I, however, stay in my seat, lean back, and put my hands over my face.

"That was short." My dad stares at the ceiling.

"It sure was." My mom is looking at the table. "Why? What happened to our family? We have a daughter who's willing to move to a world of poverty-"

"That was a joke." I lamely say.

"She'd still probably rather live there then here." Noah says.

We all don't make eye contact.

"Why? All I want is to be happy. I just want to have happiness. Why are you guys making it harder then it has to be?" I whined.

"You can have happiness in this home, right here!" My mom defended.

"Then why won't you just make it easier, let me reign, let me have a Selection and find someone to spend the rest of my life with, and leave it there?" I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"Honey, it's not as easy as it sounds. We will let you reign. You will become the queen. But do you know what society is going to do? They are unpredictable. We might have people going against the monarchy, too much for you to handle, for all of us to handle." My dad calmly said.

"I can withstand everything. You just have to let me prove it."

"Then prove it." My mom strictly said.

"Let's start planning the Selection." I say, changing the subject.

"Right now?" My dad said. My mom glared at him with those eyes. This is not the time, Erik, Is what she means.

"Shall we begin?" My mom says, pulling papers from the shelf underneath the table.

"First thing we need to do is to announce that you are becoming queen."

"Let's just do it tomorrow during the Report." I smile.

"Well...yes, but maybe that's being rushed."

"Come on!"

"You can run as queen. You've showed us what you can do. You are fit for the job. Physically, emotionally, and mentally. You just need to get some guts and go on the Report. I don't even know how the media's going to take it and all-"

"Eadlyn?" My dad asks.

"What?" My mom says in return.

"We're going to be fine. If the media doesn't handle it well, we'll find a way to change that. They will love Lillian."

"Well, I guess I'm going to go to the producers and ask. Top secret information, okay? One little peep before tomorrow evening, and you are toast." She raises her eyebrows, and leaves the room.

"I'm going to call it a meeting." I say, once she leaves.

"Well, off you go." My dad picks up his papers and leaves with me, before we go separate directions.

I know where I'm headed off to. I'm headed off to see my Grandpa.


"My little girl!" My grandpa says when I walk into his living room.

"Hi." I say quietly.

"What's new?" He asks.

"I'm becoming a queen soon, and I have no idea what the hell I'm doing." I shake my head.

"Your mom told me. I haven't gotten to seen you recently!" He says, and I sit on the couch with him.

"I wish we could have more time. But, the issue is, we're announcing it to the public tomorrow. I have no idea how it's going to be taken."

"Tomorrow? On the Report?" He says, surprised.

"We decided to. I can't wait, but I don't know how the people are going to react."

He chuckles. "We've had worse reactions. Getting rid of the castes was a little negative at first. And when you're mom got engaged to your dad, the media went insane. You will do great." He says.

"What did I teach you when you were younger?"

"My name is Lillian Koskinen, and no one is as powerful as me. Except my mother." I say, my smile gleaming bright.

"Have fun on the Report tomorrow. It will change your life." He whispers.

The Selection Series FanFiction - Eadlyn's Family, 20 Years Later - The PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now