The Selection Series - Marid Illea's Return - Chapter 2 The Princess

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 "Princess Lillian, it's so nice to see you!" Marid Illea said in a cheerful voice.

"Don't disregard everything that's happened between you and our family in the years. I would advise you to get out." I said, in the strongest voice I could.

"You can't fool me, Lillian."

"My name is Princess Lillian. Don't act like we're civil. You will respect the monarchy and it's history." I say. I really don't sound like myself, not the timid, quiet version of myself that is truly me. But even having the thought of being the next queen, I thought I needed to step up my game and be more ruling.

"Get out of my way." He says, his tone goes dark.

"Get out of my home." I say. I would try to block him, but I'm just too short.

Marid heads towards the stairs, up to the next floor. I know where he's heading. He's heading for Mom's study. The guards are paying attention, but I'm not giving any orders, so they aren't doing anything about it. They know who Marid is. Almost no one knows that we aren't friends anymore. They know that the royal family and the Illea's don't keep in touch, but they respect him like he's a part of the royal family.

I don't follow him up the stairs. I don't want to deal with him, sorry enough to say so. One day, I might have to, but I go into a quiet room and sit down to catch my breath. I stood up to one of my family's most hated enemies.

Upstairs, I can hear a lot of yelling. It's either my brother or my mother. I wasn't going to join in on the conversation, but I finally got the courage to walk upstairs and take a peek.

"Marid, this is old news. We haven't been friends for twenty years. Why the hell would I give you the monarchy?" My mom storms around the hall.

"Maybe because I'm part of the royal family." He suggests.

"Do you know how many people are part of the royal family? There are many people who married their wives and have had children. Hundreds of people are part of the Illea blood. And trust me, I would give the monarchy to every single person that has royal blood before you."

I slowly approach them, but they don't notice.

"You are handing off the crown soon. No other person deserves it better than me. Even your garbage children can't handle the crown." says Marid.

My mom sees me behind him, but I apparently look furious. She walks up to him, looking furious as well.

"Don't you ever call my children garbage again. Guards!" My mom screams.

3 guards start running from the other end of the hall up to where we are.

"Let him leave." My mom says, in her queen voice.

"Yes, Your Majesty." The 3 guards say in unison, before grabbing Marid by the arm and pulling him down the stairs.

"I tried to confront him because I saw him come in through the doors, but he pushed right past me to talk to you." I say, the words coming through like a speeding car.

"I haven't seen him in almost 5 years. I thought that we weren't going to interact anymore. At least, that's what we and the palace agreed on. I wasn't expecting him to come back. He knows his chances for being king are long over, and that I'm not giving this up."

"I know. His children kept harassing me when they came over. One punched me in the arm, but I was too quiet to do anything back." I say.

"It's hard to keep track of his kids, he has so many. It's also hard to keep track of his past wives - and mistresses." Mom knew about the scandal with Marid. He had hooked up with endless women and had an overwhelming amount of children from that. Mom could have easily exposed him, but she never got around to it.

"Well, I'm going to head back to my study. I have an overwhelming amount of work to do." She sighs.

"You probably do. I could only imagine." say.

"Would you like to see my desk? The papers are stacked so high I sometimes think that it almost touches the ceiling." She laughs off.

"Your Majesty." Someone says behind me. It's a guard.

"Yes?" My mom replies.

"I regret to inform you that Marid Illea is currently waving the rebel flag and is saying derogatory things about you and the monarchy outside."

"But the rebels haven't been around in almost 40 years!" I breathlessly say.

"Well, I'm not going out. You need to get Marid Illea back to his home, or he's heading to the cell." My mom rubs her temples.

"The cells, here?" The guard asks.

"Marid's not staying here. If he's locked in the palace, he'll find a way to get out and attack the palace. Instead, we should send him to a jail in a country that isn't well known but has great security. Maybe Baffin or Dominica, where getting to Angeles would be difficult enough for him."

No one speaks after that.

"Then again, let's not get carried away." says my mother. "Just try to get him out of Angeles or something."

"Yes, Your Majesty." The guard squeaks, and then runs off downstairs.

"This is going to get a lot of global attention, I assume." I say.

"I can already feel it, Lillian. I can already feel it coming." My mom sits on a chair.

"Is there any way that we can turn around the attention?" I ask.

My mom takes a deep breath. "We've done that in the past, where we turn the attention on us to help the people not be so focused on other things. I've refrained from doing that, but I might have to now."

"How about we have a Selection?" I ask, before I can stop myself.

My mom looks at the ground.

"Are we really ready for one? We aren't even sure who's going to lead next. We need to figure that out before the Selection." She stares at the ground.

"I'll gladly take the job as queen. And I'll gladly participate in the Selection. I doubt Kerttu wants to have one anyway." I say.

"Kerrtu's never been crazy about the Selection. She's told me multiple times how much she doesn't want to be portrayed as some player." We both laugh.

"Are you ready for love?" She asks, hesitating.

"I don't know how I could not be." 

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