The Selection Series - The Announcement - Chapter 6

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 "Can I have a moment to myself?" I ask my maid, as she quietly curtsies and runs out the door of my bedroom. My mom is in the room with me, as we are getting ready for a big night. I stand in front of a full length mirror, looking at my reflection, and the dress I was wearing.

"This looks hideous on me." I announce, staring at myself.

"Don't say that, Lillian. You look beautiful." My mom puts her hand on my shoulder, and I silently slip away from her.

"It looked so much better on last night when I tried it on. How come it looks terrible on me today?" I try to poof out my dress more. It's a blue colored dress with sparkles on it. My maid worked hard on it, which is the main reason why I dismissed her from the room. I didn't want her to know I was disappointed with the dress.

"I'm just going to take this off." I mutter, as I slip off the dress.

"Lillian, it's noon. You have a short amount of time to figure this out before you're expected at The Report." My mom shakes her head.

"I'll try to find something else. Tell my maid I changed my mind on the dress. There's dozens of dresses in this palace, surely I can find one." I say, as I slip on my sundress, and I walk out of the door.

"Why am I flipping out over a stupid dress?" I ask myself, as I head to my mother's closet. She normally gets furious when I do, but her dresses are always glorious. When I walk inside, her maid is making her bed, clearly not expecting to see me.

"Your Highness." She curtsies, dropping the sheets she was covering the bed with.

"No, it's okay." I assure her. "I'm just going to look in my mom's closet quickly. I'm sorry for interrupting." She heads back to covering the bed with sheets again.

I walk to her majestic closet, looking at her loads of dresses. I scramble through each and every one until I see one that catches my eye. It's a cream colored ballgown, embedded with jewels. I look at my maid, still making my mother's bed.

"Have you seen my mother wear this recently?" I quietly ask her.

She looks up. "That dress has been around for a while. It was made for her for an event, but she never got around to wearing it, Your Highness."

I pull the dress out from the closet, and look at it.

"Do you think this dress would fit me?" I ask, again.

"I'm sure it will. It seems like a good fit." The maid replies.

"Thank you." I say, dragging the dress out of the room. I was only hoping that it would fit, taking it to my room to try it out. I got back to my room, and my mother was already gone. I put the dress on, and look at my reflection.

"It looks okay. I'm just going to wear it." I mumble under my breath. I put on my silver high heels, and my accessories. I grab my favorite crown, and run out the door.


The producer is running like crazy as he gets us ready for The Report. "Is everyone in their places? Hurry!" The producer yells in our faces. "Calm down!" Another one yells back. They quickly get behind the camera, and then they start rolling.

"Hello, people of Illea. Today, we have a special Report for you today. Here, I have my husband, your Prince Consort, Erik, and my three children, Princess Kerrtu, Princess Lillian, and Prince Noah. Today's Report is going to be a little bit different, and there will be changes made in the Royal Family. We would like to share our exciting news with you all today."

I could feel her anxiety, but she was trying to push through the Report with her best smile.

"As you all know, my daughter, Princess Kerrtu, is my eldest of my children, and for her entire life, you have expected her to be the Heir, to be the next leader of Illea." She paused, before continuing. "I think Kerrtu should tell you what is in store for Illea next." She looked over at her.

I felt confusion. Was this supposed to happen? Is Kerrtu supposed to tell what's about to happen? Either way, I looked at her, while the people clapped, as she went up, and my mom took a step back.

"Thank you." She looked into the camera. "As you know, my entire life, I have been preparing to be your leader, your Queen. And I have tried my very best to fill in those shoes, and studying to be the best leader I could be. But..." She stammered.

Here we go. She was going to say it.

"I'm afraid I can't be that that leader for you. I am unable to be Illea's next Queen." She looked down, and we all kept straight faces.

"As you see, most of the people in Illea get to choose what your profession is. As you see, my grandparents, King Maxon and Queen America, dissolved the castes to do that for all of you. But, I was born into this position. For so long, I didn't have the choice for my profession. But, today, we are changing the history. I will no longer be the Heir." She breathed out.

I looked at the faces in the crowd. They all looked shocked.

"As for me, I'm going to travel the country and the world. I want to build relations with other countries, and I want to see everyone I can. I know, that the royal family doesn't get to see everyone in the country as much as we would like, so hopefully, I can get an opportunity to see all of you."

"My sister, Lillian, will be your next Queen. Lilian, please join me." Kerrtu announced, as I got up from my chair, with the crowd applauding.

I take a deep breath.

"Thank you. I know you haven't heard much from me, I know that my sister is someone that you've closely followed throughout the years, but, I know that I can be a good Queen and leader. I've studied and followed my parent's actions, and I have had the same training that my sister has had. I can only hope that you can believe in me, and believe in Illea."

The crowd stayed silent.

"My mother is still going to be your Queen for a while. There isn't going to be a coronation tomorrow. This announcement is me telling you that I am the Heir." I smile. "That is my first announcement. Now, I am going to tell you about my second announcement."

I look into the audience, when suddenly, the lights went off. I look around, into the darkness. The audience murmurs.

"What happened?" I ask the producer. He doesn't hear me.

"What's going on?" I shout at him. He looks at me.

"Your microphone is off." He yells back. "What happened to the electricity?" He asks the producer next to him, while he clicks multiple buttons, trying to figure stuff out.

Eventually, he shakes his head, and hops onto the stage, looking at the people.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have a problem." He hollers into the audience.

"The livestream for the Capital Report got shut off. The electricity is gone, in this palace. This has nothing to do with the weather. I don't know what's going on. You are all dismissed." He hesitates, as everyone stands up to go home.

He turns to my family. "We might be hacked, I don't know. Down the street, all the buildings are working just fine."

My dad huffs, turning to my mom. "So, what can we do?"

My mom sits, thinking about what to do.

"We need to be safe. We need to leave Angeles tonight. Children, pack your bags." She nods.

"Where are we going?" Noah asks.

My mom takes a deep breath. "We are going to use our evacuation plan, for situations like this. Very likely, we are being hacked. Our procedure tells us that we must go hide in France, where Uncle Ahren is."

We all sit, in silence.

"There's only one person that could be behind this." My dad says.

No one says a word. We all know who that one person is, but fear is holding us back from saying his name, but we all know.

His name is Marid Illea.

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