Why Does School Exist?

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Aaron's POV

I raced to the secret mud place near the school where James, Thomas, and I always meet up before school starts. I sat on the table bench. No one was there so I pulled out my WoF book from my backpack and started reading. Wings of Fire was one of my favorite series. I was rereading the second book, The Lost Heir. I was getting into the book, but then-


I threw my book over my head and jumped out of my seat. I fell to the ground and rolled over. I looked up to see the person looking down on me, turns out it was Thomas. He was laughing hysterically. I started to laugh, too. 

"My god! You literally scared me half to death, biotch!" I screamed at Thomas. He was still laughing, he could hardly breathe. 

"That was a good scare, wasn't it?"

"I guess."

"Hey guys!" A new voice chirped. The voice was from far away, and I turned around to see who it was, and it was our other friend, James. He was jogging up to us and out of breath. He was panting.

"Hi, Jemmy! Why'd you come so late?" Thomas asked James, his eyebrows raised.

"I am just late! My little sister was messing with my alarm clock and I had to do everything quickly! When I get to my house, she is getting what she deserves!" James shouted, with clenched fists. He looked like he was gonna kill someone.

"Bro, what if you stole her basket full of candy and threw it into the trash and put it back empty?" I suggested, giggling.

"Oh my god, yes! And then I'll just replace the candy with dirt that looks like poop!" James laughed.

I chuckled. We were literally little kids in a teenager's body.

James's POV

Time Skip

Thomas, Aaron, and I pushed open the school doors and went in. It was crowded with students in their little friend groups and stuff. We were walking to our lockers. People were jumping out of the way to make room for all three of us. I didn't understand why they were scared of us.

You know, everyone thinks that we are bad guys when we're actually not. We're just a normal best friend trio who wants nothing to do with anyone else. 

I put my stuff in my locker and said "See ya later!" to Aaron before I headed off to my first period. Thomas was following me because we had the same first period. Science class.

"Don't we have a science quiz today?" Thomas asked.

"Dammit!" I facepalmed. "I forgot to study for the test! Now what do I do?"

"Don't worry, you'll probably still have a good grade. After all, you are good at remembering stuff and smarter than me." He pointed out. I blushed a little bit at the words he'd just said. He was pretty handso- NO NO NO NO NO NO! YOU CAN'T THINK ABOUT THIS STUFF ABOUT THOMAS, JAMES!  I smacked myself lightly on the cheek to try to erase that from my head. 

"Jemmy, why'd you smack yourself?" I turned to Thomas.

"Oh, just a fly landed on my head!" I lied. Heh. He probably doesn't have any feelings for m- JAMES  WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-

When I entered the classroom, there was already a sheet of paper lying on my desk. I sat in my chair and took out my pencil. I groaned. I wasn't ready for this stupid science quiz.

"Don't worry, you'll do great," Thomas whispered to me. 

"Thanks," I mouthed the words to him.

Welp, I'm screwed.

And yes I know this chapter has a weird name but I didn't know what to call it xD

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