Chapter 1

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The piercing feeling of a knife awoke him in the early morning, it all but seemed normal by now. He was a surprise he didn't sleep through it but even his body knew that to stay asleep meant worse would come when he finally did awake. That was just another thing he hated, muscle memory, it always woke him up when all he wanted was to finally get enough sleep to escape but that wasn't gonna happen. He'd just have to work with what he got.

"Get up, it's time for the circle." The Alpha of the pathetic, abusive pack of which he belonged to ordered.

He opened his eyes and met the black eyes of Alpha Drake, glaring back at him. Greasy black hair falling over his shoulders and in his eyes. The massive alpha made no move to look away leaving him to submit, as if that was going to happen.

"I don't feel like it." He said boredom dripping from every word of his bluff as he turned to his side, his wrists rubbed raw from the chains keeping him here.

"I don't give a damn, but it's time to see if you're really apart of this pack and my heir or the bastard son of the one who married my mate." Alpha Drake growled as he unlocked his chains, "Now get up Caspian, before I drag you out."

Caspian waited for the door to shut and lock before opening his eyes and sitting up, he knew he was supposed to get ready so why not play along for now. He glanced at the mirror, his mother's Midnight blue eyes looked back at him as he witnessed what caused him and her such pain. His blond tousled hair mixed with white. Unlike everyone else, he was a light head among darkness.

He already knew what was going to happen at the circle everyone will finally get confirmation, he was a bastard from a pack of light. His wolf had already told him, and they knew what would happen, they would be tortured till a long-awaited death, but it didn't stop them from planning. After all something could happen.

Caspian grabbed his black sweats and grey shirt before walking to his bathroom and turned on the shower.

"Cas, are you prepared for today?" Iced, his wolf, questioned, "I know we've discussed this for a while, but your first transformation is probably going to take a lot out of us, running 200 miles isn't going to be easy. That's not including the trained wolves we're up against. Especially if you're scared."

"Iced, I want to get out of here, do you? It's only going to get worse after today. Think of what they've already done."

"Yes, but..."

"No buts, we promised. No matter what keep running, if we're lucky they won't catch us alive. Just remember, it's us, we work together. We just need to get us past the border. In human form it's us not me, it'll be the same in wolf form, I'll be there for you."

"I wish we knew our mate, then we wouldn't be so lonely."

"Now's not the time for that, we won't get accepted just like everyone. Our own mother wouldn't, much less the pack, why would they. We probably wouldn't like them if it wasn't for the bond, think about mum. "

"I thought I was supposed to be the negative one?"

Caspian ignored that last comment. Not wanting to think about any mental problems that he has. There's too much to think about and wish for that he's getting confused. Too many firsts that he has yet to experience.

Banging sounded on his door as he left the shower.

'This is it,' he thought 'Now or never.'


Caspian groaned at the banging, thinking back to the nightmare he had live. Willing it to stop, it did only for it to be replaced by his voice.

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