[Chapter 3] Alone Together

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"I'm serious, Kalel!" He yelled, "I want you to tell me what's going on!"

"One more picture..." She bent down beside him and snapped another one, "This one's for the fans."

He knew that talking to her wasn't going to do him any good or get him any answers. So a smirk crawled on his face as an idea crossed his mind. "I like the new look, Kalel," He commented seductively. She looked down at the outfit she was wearing - black leather pants, black leather coat, and a black laced bra. She smirked at the compliment.

She walked around behind him and leaned down and whispered into his ear, "Since when have you cared about what I wear?" She ran the pointed end of the hook down his cheek, almost leaving a cut.

"Does it really matter?"

She hesitated a little before answering, "No, I guess not." Anthony smirked as Kalel began to kiss on the cheek. She then extended her leg over Anthony's lap and sat down, kissing him passionately on the lips and running her fingers through his hair.

"Let's be alone together," She whispered, pulling out of the kiss but keeping close, "We can stay young forever."

Her hands trailed down to his shoulders where she began to strip Anthony of the straitjacket he wore. She stepped back and ripped the straitjacket off. Anthony stood up and grabbed for Kalel's hook hand, ripping it off and stabbing it into her back. He yanked it out and she fell to the floor.

He raised the hook into the air and forced it down, piercing Kalel's body again. And again. He took a step back, blood splattered on his shoulders and forehead, and looked down at his now dead girlfriend.

He wiped his forehead and left the room.


Dan listened to the music blasting from the headphones. It was Rebecca Black's song "Friday" on repeat. Is this supposed to be some kind of torture? He thought to himself, Because it's not that bad...

That's when Louise walked in the room. He looked at her weirdly as she walked up to him and placed her fingers underneath his chin. She walked past him and moved over to the table next to him where a record player sat. Her hand hovered over the knob a little before she turned it, upping the volume.

Louise crossed her arms, anticipating Dan's response that would hopefully be of disgust. Unfortunately, she got the exact opposite reaction - he started singing along. Louise scoffed and walked over to the t.v., bending down and rubbing her hand on the screen. Dan glanced over his shoulder and watched her lean in and actually kiss the t.v. He raised his eyebrow in confusion.

She stood back up and flipped the record. This side had the song "Mass Text" by Tay Allen. He gave almost the same reaction as he did for "Friday". Louise was frustrated. She walked around his side and pulled one of the headphones away from his ear and yelled, "WHY ARE YOU SINGING ALONG!?!"

He jumped in surprise, "W-what do you mean?" He inquired softly, "They're catchy songs!"

She snapped the headphone back in his ear and he gasped in pain. She walked back over to the record player and blasted the music, nearly deafening Dan. He closed his eyes in pain. Soon enough, Dan couldn't take it anymore and fell to the side, off of the chair. He struggled and struggled to get free but there was no luck.


As for Ian, he didn't just have one captor, he had three. They walked in and his eyes widened. The three people were his mom, Stevie, and Antionette.

"Mom? What are you doing here?" He asked.

Instead of giving him an actual answer, his mom chuckled evilly. He looked at her apprehensively. She, Stevie, and Antoinette sat down at a table placed directly in front of the stage. On top of that table was a pile of all of Anthony's food choices for all of the Food Battles - taquitos, celery, churros, burritos, red hot chili peppers, rainbow lollipops, egg rolls, and giant gummy snakes.

The YouTube Chronicles (YouTube FanFic/FOB's Young Blood Chronicles Spoof)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن