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It seemed like days before the pain stopped, except it had only been a few hours. You had no idea what they did, but it seemed to shock you, inside the room.

You grew irritated as the one continuous person in a white body suit came and checked you once again.

They had taken the tape off an hour ago. Your eyes blazed as you seemed to feel something crackle around you.

You were unchained and pulled to your feet as you stumbled.

"Keep moving!"

They dragged you to a different room and made you sit in a chair.

"Hello, Ms. L/n." A man in a black jacket stepped into the room.

You could say about average looking, average height, everything seemed almost completely normal about him.


His eyes gave every single detail away.

You could tell he had not done much sleeping. You could also see a hint of madness if you looked deep enough.

"I am Dexter Pickleman."

You set both if your hands onto the table in front of you.

"Why am I here?" You asked as his eyebrows raised in disbelief.

"You don't know Ms.L/n? I'm quite surprised." He flashed a smile.

"After all, no one just falls out of the sky."

The way he said it made you have goosebumps all over. The tunnel was something to him. Something very big to him.

You decided to act like you didn't know.

"I don't know what you're talking about." You glanced away from him.

"Oh don't give me that Y/n! You know exactly what I'm talking about."

He grabbed your hands and made you look at him. He suddenly smirked.

"Do you know who my cousin is?"

"Why would I want to know?" You tried to yank your hands out, but he held them tighter.

"You might know him as-" He leaned towards your ear. "Baxter Stockman."

You busted out laughing. This dude is related to bug boy?

"Buzz, buzz." You started crying from laughing so much. You didn't notice Dexter letting go of your hands and clenching his own.

He snapped his fingers and the men around you pulled you back up.

"Take her to the testing room."

"Wait! What do you mean by testing room?! I'm sorry, but it's just really funny how you're related to Bexter Speckman."

"Baxter Stockman!!"

They led you to another room, with Dexter following and made you go into a see-through chamber. It was made of glass. Bullet-proof glass you assumed.

They shoved you inside and put a sort of helmet on you with wires attached.

"What is this for Manpickle?" You asked as you touched the wires.

"Pickleman!!" Dexter sighed as he stepped forward.

"You are going to summon the tunnel. As you have seen on previous times, we can do it mechanically, but it takes awhile to get everything working. Where you..."

He touched your forehead.

"You can make it come. Any time. Any where."

"I-I can't!! I don't know how and why do you need it?!" You tried to tell him.

"In each window, is a world. In each world, has soldiers we can use. Kraang, dinosaurs, possibly even footbots! If we brought them here, we could rule New York and the rest of the world."

"I won't do it!" You shook your head and tried to take off the helmet.

It wouldn't come off. You panicked and began furiously pulling at it.

"It won't come off will it? Oh yes, I forgot to mention, it locks onto your head and shocks you every 5 minutes you don't summon the tunnel."

"B-But I don't know how to summon it!! It just comes when it wants to!!"

"Then I guess it better show up, or else your brain will be fried." He snapped his fingers once again and the men went into action.

They grabbed both of your arms and shoved you into a metal chair. You fought back as they put your hands through the belts on the arms of the chair.

They tightened the straps. The straps were so tight, you felt them digging into your wrists.

"You have exactly 4 minutes and 32 seconds before the helmet shocks you, better get to working." All the guards and Dexter walked out and onto a wall full of computers.

You started sweating as you gripped the edges of the arms of the chair.

"Help Donnie!"

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