A Thought To Ponder

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The sound of wind chimes blasts my phone to wake me up at six thirty the next morning because unfortunately, I have to be at work for my 8 – 2 shift. I quickly dress and do my hair, and makeup then runs downstairs. "Why don't you ever allow time to have breakfast in the mornings you got to keep your energy up?" My mom had said as I was making myself a cup of coffee to go. "Because mom your idea of breakfast is bagels and muffins and doughnuts, and I'm trying to lose weight." "You don't need to lose weight your fine, now eat something." "Mother if you only knew the half of it," I said while putting a lid on my coffee cup. "Here honey why don't you take a banana?" My dad had said while slipping a banana into my hand. "A banana is not enough." "It is this morning Roberta the girl is going to be late for work, so let it go." My dad had said. With that, I storm out of the kitchen and let my parents go at it while I head to my car to go to work. Lucky me I pull into a parking spot with ten minutes to spare. "Good morning Kelly are you well rested this morning?" asks Rosa. "Yes, I am Rosa good morning to you too." I go to log in my credentials on the computer to punch in, punch in accepted at exactly eight o'clock. I get to work on brewing coffee and filling the display cases of freshly made Danishes, muffins, doughnuts, cookies, brownies and other pastries, and I dump the old ones. Then an hour later it starts getting busy. "I will have a box of a dozen whoopee pies please." So I grab a box and put on gloves and put in a dozen whoopie pies, then I rang her up. "That comes to five dollars please." The girl pulls out a ten dollar bill from her purse and slaps it down on the counter; I give her the change with her receipt and say, "Have a nice day." "Hey, Kelly how has it been today?" asks my co-worker Stacey who just walked in at eleven to start her shift. "Busy." "Well, I'm here now so you can go on break if you want." "Yeah that sounds great I need my coffee." "I'll make it for you." Stacey had said. I love our caramel vanilla swirl iced coffee that we have. So I take my drink and head into the break room, where Rosa is working on what looks like a help wanted sign while eating her lunch. "Looking for help, for what?" I ask. "My baker quit on me this week I need to find someone for either full time or part time, during the week." Rosa had said. I was thinking to myself I wish I could do it, drop out of school and never be bullied again, that would be nice right about now.

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