The meeting

700 18 9

(Everything is in ur pov)

Being zarkons kid is hard, you have to uphold a tough persona while still not breaking down into tears by what your father has done for thousands of years wiping out entire species and destroying planets ,but I try to live a normal life well, as normal as living in space that is.

I wander down the halls to the main control room "hey dad" I say while subtly trying to indicate I want something he turns his head to look at me "y/n I'm busy right now" he says "can I go hang out with my friends" I ask leaning on his shoulder, he grumbles "where?"  "At the space mall" he grumbles even more "fine. But be back by 9" "you know it!" I yell running out to the ship station

I wasn't really going to the space mall I was going to find voltron I want to work with them to end this ridiculous war I've spent months trying to find them but to no avail so now I'm just going to sit on a random moon and hit my distress signal, wait till nine then leave if they don't show up

I land my ship on a moon close by to wear they were last spotted and hit the distress signal I wait and wait and wait but it's 8:30 and they still haven't showed up yet that is until a mass amount of smoke filled the planet

I coughed waving my hand in front of my face clearing the smoke so I could see the massive blue and white ship in front of me "woah" I mumble as a door lowers and six paladins are stood wearing their armour I smile and run out to them ,they walk down to me the pink one standing in front "hi I'm allura, what seems to be the problem ?" She asks "I uh" I clear my throat "hello I'm y/n nothing's wrong well something is wrong but-well"I sigh looking down 'why am I like this' "I'm zarkons adopted daughter child" I admit staring at my toes

"WHAT" some one yells I look up and see very shocked expressions looking right back at me "well it's uh- " I try to explain but am quickly interrupted "ARE YOU BAIT!?" The yellow one yells "where's your army,oh just strike already" he cries 'jeez why is Dad having suck a hard time killing these guys' he begins to go on  about already accepting death and for me to just do it already "I'm not going to kill you!" I already regret telling them how Im related to zarkon

They very quickly strike into action each revealing a weapon of there own "well then what are you going to do?" The green one pipes up "well hopefully make a plan with you guys to stop this silly feud between you guys and my dad" I say holding my hands up showing I surrender they lower their weapons "why do you want to end it? aren't you on his side? " the purple/black one asks "well maybe I would be if he didn't destroy my whole planet" I start to mumble halfway through "what?" "Nothing,anyway do we have an agreement or not?" I say "sure we'll help you" allura says "great!" I look down at my communication device to find multiple messages from dad

Honey,where are you it's 9:00
Please answer or I'm sending guards to get you
Screw it I'll get you myself
Are you okay???
Please answer
I'm worried y/n
Are you hurt??!
Come home

'Yikes he went through all the stages of parenting in 3 minuets,new record' I look back up at voltron "meet me here same time tomorrow!" I say quickly before running off to my pod "what? Where are you going!" They yell as I run "home!" I shout back before taking off and heading home quickly

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