Chapter 24 : Betrayal or Loyalty (past)

Start from the beginning

Matt looked sad "Ramune....I'll miss you, goodbye your hineos" he said and Ramune looked over his shoulder "bye my good friend" Ramune said and walk towards the water and leaped in ' I'll tell Julia tomorrow morning'


Ramune wake up the next morning and looked to see that Julia wasn't beside him 'where is she?'

Ramune swam up to the surface and jumped out and saw his love sitting in the sun. He walk over to her "mm good morning Ramune" she says without looking at him and he smiles "good morning..." She then looks at him with a lovely smile "it's so beautiful this's so beautiful just living here close to the palace" Ramune's heart sank knowing he was about to tell her that they were leaving. He sat beside her "hehe well there are lots of other places that are even better" he said but sbe shook her head "no...this palace is gorgeous don't you think bab?" Ramune dropped his head "well yeah... But growing up here makes the grass not as green" Julia glanced at him puzzled "hm what do you mean?" Ramune looked down at his paws before saying "Julia...i want to leave this place for ever, i don't want to live in my brother's shadows, i want to go and start a new life....with you" Julia look taking back and upset "What we can't leave...your the Prince" she said but Ramune just shrugs "yea so what?...i can't live with Blaze no more!" He was feeling frustrated Julia growled "i don't want to leave everfree Ramune...just because your jealous of him." Ramune looked shooked that she said that "jealous?... Yea ok maybe i am but Blaze is never around and doesn't care about fact he's to much of a cowered to fight the war to came!" Julia looked puzzled "what?... What war?" Ramune slide his clows out "Soul he's going to attack the forest again and Blaze wants me to lead that war" Julia frowns "um...Ramune your going to fight right?" Ramune felt puzzled by this "well no" Julia narrowed her eyes "but you call him a cowered?" She said looking disappointment Ramune lowerd his head "but i have a Julia what if you die?... I've seen war and pokemon die" Julia soften her eye gaze.

"....huh fine but can we leave tomorrow i want one more day here"

Ramune noded "but i want you to go talk to Blaze today...just try to get along for me alright" Ramune frowne but he didn't want to upset her anymore then she was "huh alright...I'll try for you"

And with that the vaporeon walked off.


Ramune was walking towards his brother's throne feeling bitter towerds the flareon. He walked in to see Blaze talking to a female pyroar. Ramune stopped feeling frustrated '....why can't i just leave?....he probably dosen't care that I'm leaving'

"I'll do my best to help out" Blaze was saying to her and she had grateful like "oh thank you your majesty" and she walks by Ramune on her way out. Blaze starded in shook when he noticed the vaporeon. Ramune tryed his best to look happy but deep fown he was growling with hate.

"Hey...Blaze" he says but Blaze frowns "...Ramune I'm bissy i don't need you caming and yelling at me for Arceus knows why" Blaze turnd his back on him and Ramune narrowed his eye's in anger 'oh yea i forgot he's to good for me'

Ramune walked up to him "oh ok...well Blaze I'm leaving bye" Ramune turned around fast and started to walk away 'there i said bye now i can go'

But blaze ran in front of him. Stopping the vaporeon in his crack "what?...what fo you mean your can't leave not now we need you soul has been spotted" Ramune flickered his tail "yeah that's all you care about huh? throw me in a war so you can keep your crown"

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