Chapter 15

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The next few days were pretty normal I walk into the kitchen and Alex and Lisa are sitting there drinking coffee and Alex asks me "hey girly whatcha want for your birthday?" Wait my birthday!? I stand there shocked as I remember that my birthday is tomorrow.

"Um Idk surprise me I guess" I run up to my room locking myself and curling up into a ball starting to cry. I hear Alex knock on my door "Rain please come out talk to me tell me whats wrong." I open my door slightly "I hate my birthday its always been a horrible day for me."

Alex hugs me and I calm down as he sings to me. "I promise tomorrow will be one of the best days ever." I smile as I know Alex never breaks his promises.

The next day~

I walk downstairs in my batman pajamas and see the guys and Lisa sitting on the couch with a box in front of them its a fairly large box so i sit in front of it Alex starts by saying "Rain this is a very special present and it takes a lot of responsibility to take care of this present" I nod and open the box to see a puppy inside it looks like a wolf.

"Oh my god you got me a puppy!!!" I say excitedly as i pull the small puppy out of the box and he licks my face. Alex smiles and says "yes we did and all you need to do is name him." I smile softly and think of a name "how about Scar he has a scar on his eye like scar did in the lion king" They smile at the name.

After awhile I take scar on a walk he stays at my side I'm not even holding the leash tightly it's around my wrist. I'm not paying attention to where I'm walking and I bump into a guy with spiky black hair and a leather Jacket. I end up falling but the guy doesn't move "oh my god I'm so sorry are you ok?" He extends his arm to help me he had to be about 6 feet tall, but he looked to be about my age.

"Uh yea I'm fine" I grab his hand when I hear shouting and people running at us I turn around to see the Black Veil Brides rushing towards us. Andy is the first one to step in front of me. "Andy I'm fine stop it!"

Andy growls and looks at me "meet us back at the house soon be careful call if you need anything" I nod and look back at the guy as they walk away.

"I'm sorry about them they're a bit over protective of me." I look down to see scar sleeping at my feet oblivious to everything that just happened. I pick him up and cradle him like a baby.

"Uh yea its fine I'm Remmy by the way it's nice to meet you" I smile and he pets scars head. "I've gotta go but here" he hands me a piece of paper with his number on it "hit me up sometime!" I smile and nod as he walks away.

I walk back to the house with scar in my arms as I walk in the door everyone's waiting for me in the living room. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAIN!!!!" I smile putting scar in his bed I walk down to everyone and into the middle of the ring of presents. I tear up a little.

"Y-you guys didn't have to do this for me..." Andy hugs me tightly.

"Of course we did sweetheart" he kisses my forehead "by the way stay away from that guy you met earlier he's bad news"

"He seemed nice" I say innocently.

Alex looks puzzled "who was it?" Andy gives him a look and says "Remington" Alex sighs "Rain Andy is right please stay away from Remington"

"Ok can we get to the presents now?" They all smile and nod. I open Andys present first and its filled with a Batman beanie batman pjs and three batman movies and a couple of batman related pins. All together I got dog stuff for scar, movies, books, posters, and of course my favorite besides scar I got my very own guitar. Jacks been teaching me in Alex's but I wanted my own. Scar sits in my lap and Andy pets his head.

This has been one of the best birthdays ever. I smile as I fall asleep on Andys shoulder.

I wake up the next morning in bed and scar curled up next to me. I decide to get up when I hear a paper crackling sound. I reach into my pocket to pull out the number I got from Remmy. I text the number...

Rain: Hey its the girl from the other morning

Remmy: oh hey I was wondering when you were gonna text me

Rain: sorry yesterday was my birthday it got pretty busy

Remmy: I bet

Rain: yea well My dads calling me so I better go I'll talk to you later.

Remmy: ok wait what's your name?

Rain: Rain

I smile with that last text and walk downstairs to see even more presents from sleeping with sirens, pierce the veil, panic at the disco, waterparks. And more....

Awsten got me a picture of himself while Otto and Geoff got me a few tee shirts. I smile at everything and I go hug my dad. "Thank you for adopting me" Alex hugs me back tightly "I wouldn't trade you for any other kid in this world" he says into my ear "we all love you so so much" Everyone gives me a hug after that. We take a family photo one with and one without bvb. They all make me so happy I don't know where I'd be without them.

Its done finally hallelujah that took awhile and I'm so sorry that it did ive been so busy I actually saw all time low again tho and I also saw bvb in the winter idk if I told you all or not oh well but anyways I hope you enjoyed - Liv🐼

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