Chapter 36

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Later on in the evening, Julian was laying in his bed. He was on his side, and watching a flickering candle on his nightstand. He hadn't taken Percy's sleeping potion again, and now he was readying himself for another restless night.

Julian heard the creak of a door, but was certain he had imagined it. At the sound of footsteps on the stone, Julian threw back his blankets and sat up, turning to look at the intruder. Instinctively, he plunged his hand under his pillow, where he used to keep a dagger. Of course, his hand found nothing but silk.

"Did I wake you?" Regulus asked quietly, standing in the doorway. He wore velvet slippers and long robes, and held a small lantern. Regulus usually slept in the nude or in linen trousers, but he donned such robes when walking the corridors at night.

"No, you didn't," Julian said, sitting up against the headboard. "Is everything alright?"

"No, I just...." Regulus cleared his throat. "I couldn't sleep, that's all."

Julian furrowed an eyebrow. What the hell did Regulus expect him to do about it?

"I cannot sleep either," Julian said, because Regulus didn't seem like he was leaving anytime soon. "Why don't you come in and sit down?"

"Very well," Regulus said, and he shut the door behind him. He set down the lantern on the nightstand, kicked off his slippers, and sat down next to Julian on the bed. Julian moved over to allow him room.

Julian had really meant for them to sit in the chairs by the fireplace together, but he supposed this is what Regulus actually wanted. He had come in the middle of the night, after all.

"What's keeping you up?" Julian asked, adjusting the pillows behind Regulus to make sure he was comfortable. "You usually sleep like the dead."

Regulus shook his head. "I'd rather not talk about it, Julian." He muttered, with a heavy sigh.

"Oh. Alright." Julian said awkwardly, looking down at his hands. Regulus' ring was sat on the nightstand. Julian had not had the time to put it on to keep up the ruse.

They sat in a painful silence only interrupted by the rattling of the windows. Julian's back had started to ache, and he longed to lay back down. Regulus was still sitting next to him, and didn't seem to have any intent on leaving anytime soon. Regulus hadn't even touched him yet, and Julian couldn't understand why he was still here.  Julian rubbed his forehead wearily as he considered his next move.

"Would you like to spend the night?" Julian asked finally.

"Is that what you want?" Regulus asked. It was a silly question. Julian's wants had never mattered before. 

"I do," Julian said, because he knew there was no other right answer.

"Then I will."

Julian laid down on his side and shut his eyes, listening to Regulus blow out the lantern. Regulus laid down next to him. The bed was much smaller than Regulus' grand, four-poster bed, and he could feel Regulus brush against his back.

"My bedroom is too quiet when I'm alone," Regulus said. In the darkness, he sounded a little forlorn. Typically, Julian was the one who suffered bouts of melancholy.

Julian opened his eyes. Strange, all of it. He was certain that Lanford would've jumped into bed with Regulus immediately, if Regulus had asked. Regulus was always surrounded by handfuls of adoring subjects. He was not at a loss for company.

"I always thought my sleeplessness bothered you," Julian said, stifling a yawn. "You told me that you hadn't had a good night of sleep since you met me."

Regulus chuckled, and Julian smiled at the sound of it.

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