Chapter 3

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Julian laid on the stone bench, his head pillowed by his arm as he gazed up at the ceiling of the cell. He listened to the distant drip-drip-drip of the rainwater leaking through the cracks of the roof and dampening everything.

He rolled on his side and shut his eyes, pulling the blanket to his chin as he tried to ward off the dungeon chill. He daydreamed of his home village, Hythe, and the babbling creeks and fields of wildflowers. Hythe was a rural community of a few dozen, tucked into the red mountains in the northwest corner of Adamantine. He left Hythe many years ago and travelled to the bigger city of Erostey, the city just outside the castle walls. It was in Erostey that he learned of the starving people that languished on city streets while nobles fattened themselves in their castles. 

The wooden door with bars over the windows flew open. Aldric, one of the Kings' young guards, stood in the doorway. "Get up, rebel." 

"Am I being dragged to my execution today?" Julian answered tiredly, opening his eyes. 

"You're going to see the King."


Julian rolled to the other side and faced the wall. He resisted the childish urge to pull the blanket over his head. Aldric grabbed Julian's arm and wrenched it painfully to stir him.

"Come with me or I'll throw you to the wolves," Aldric threatened.

The wolves. These were the other prisoners who hissed insults and leered at Julian through the bars as he passed. It seemed they loathed him just as much as any guard or noble. The first night after the rebellion, Julian had to fight tooth-and-nail to keep another prisoner from attacking him in his sleep. After that, the guards knew to keep Julian separated from other prisoners.

Julian bit back a groan of pain but he pushed himself to his feet.  "Let me go." Julian spat out when Aldric did not release the painful grip on his arm.

Aldric sneered. "I don't trust rebels." He dragged Julian up the stairs, twisting Julian's arm cruelly to hurry him up. Julian tripped over his feet to keep up with Aldric's broad strides and tried to memorize the route through the servants' corridor. They passed kitchen boys and ladies' maids who gawked openly at Julian. 

"If the King wants me, why are you dragging me towards the kitchens?" Julian wondered aloud. Through a window, he could see night had fallen. He ached to see the open sky again, the blanket of darkness and stars that glowed through it. 

Aldric stopped in the corridor and opened a plain door, shoving Julian inside the dark room. Julian stumbled forward and grabbed onto the edge of a wooden tub to steady himself. He dipped his fingers into the cold water and whirled around to face Aldric. 

"Go on." Aldric said flatly, lighting a few lanterns. "Be quick about it."

Julian blinked in surprise. When Aldric shut the door, Julian threw off his clothes and slipped into the clean, cold water. He dunked his head immediately to scrub the dirt from his hair. He dragged the rough soap over his skin, washing away the dungeon grime and marveling at the wonderful feeling. He sank underwater and rested, bubbles escaping his mouth.

Aldric marched forward and grabbed a handful of Julian's curls, yanking him to the surface. 

"That's enough." Aldric sniggered as Julian coughed and spluttered. He tossed Julian a fresh set of clothes and Julian caught them just before they fell into the water.

Julian stood, stepped out of the bath, and slipped on the clothes quickly. He cuffed the trousers at the ankle since they were too long. The tunic was a long-sleeved, white shift with delicate pale blue embroidery around the collar. White and pale blue were the colors of Adamantine and King Regulus' coat of arms. Freshly washed and now wearing the King's colors, Julian could be mistaken for a proper squire. 

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