Chapter 21

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Julian spent the night of Regulus' wedding alone in his bedroom. He paged through books and stayed until the candles had melted down to their holders. Regulus didn't call for him, and Aldric delivered all of his meals without a single snarky comment.

The morning after the wedding, Julian asked if he could walk in the gardens by himself. They were walled and gated, and there was always a guard with a watchful eye. The guard on duty, Thomas, denied his request because the King would call for him soon and Julian needed to be available.

Regulus didn't call for Julian all morning and all afternoon. Julian spent the day in his bedroom, frustrated, bored, and lonely.

In the later afternoon, Gregory informed Julian that Regulus had asked him to attend the evening banquet. It wasn't enough for Regulus to have one night of celebration. His wedding called for days and days of festivities, including royal hunts with the men in his wife's family, dances, and dinners.

Julian considered refusing, but he was tired of staring at his four walls. He was sick of his own thoughts too, and he hoped he would be able to find Regulus quickly. When Julian agreed, a servant brought in hot water for Julian's bath and laid out his clothes on his bed.

After bathing, Julian gazed dismally down at the clothes. Linen breeches, a white shift tunic, and the pale blue cloak Regulus had gifted him after their first night together.

A little brown box held the gold ring. Julian had refused to wear it, and he thought he had done so rather politely. Julian dressed quickly and slipped the ring onto his right ring finger. If Regulus kept insisting, it was better to just go along.

"I feel ridiculous," Julian complained as Gregory escorted him to the Great Hall, tugging at where the cloak was clasped around his neck.

"Stop fidgeting," Gregory chastised.

"I'm not a noble. I don't know why he insists I dress up like one." Julian huffed in annoyance. "What is the point of pretending?"

Gregory shook his head, but didn't say anything more. Julian had complained to Gregory before about Regulus, though he knew it was risky. Many of the guards had Regulus' ear, and most scampered off to tell Regulus as soon as they learned of anything that would earn his favor. Gregory had never told Regulus any of the treasonous things that Julian said to him. Gregory wouldn't dare say a bad thing about Regulus, but Julian thought his silence was some admission.

Other than a few servants delivering wood to the fires around the castle, the corridors were empty. All were down at the banquet. Julian pulled at his sleeves, which were rolled back and pinned with gold cufflinks. The cufflinks had the royal coat of arms seal imprinted in them.

"Do you have a wife?" Julian inquired. He thought it was a polite question, and he wanted to fill the silence, but he was also genuinely curious. Gregory had never said one thing about his own life, and Julian had never asked.

"No." Gregory said gruffly. He didn't say anything further, and another uncomfortable silence lapsed between them. Julian racked his brain for another polite question.

"Are you from Iustis?" Julian asked hesitantly. He was usually quite hostile to the guards, but he reckoned his life would be much easier if he had just one person on his side. Everyone else in the castle loathed him.

Gregory furrowed his eyebrow. He didn't even bother to respond to the silly question this time. They reached the Great Hall, and Gregory gestured to the guards at the door. Each guard pulled open a large wooden door.

Julian's lips parted in shock as he stepped into the Great Hall. It was filled with nobles in their finest garments, drinking, eating and dancing. Chandeliers hung from the arched ceiling. The tables had been pushed to one side, but each creaked under the weight of the feast. Servants walked around the Great Hall with silver platters with small delicacies and chalices of wine.

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