Chapter 24

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After Regulus left, Julian got to work.

He returned to Regulus' chambers where he began to rifle through Regulus' writing desk. In a burlap sack, he found handfuls of gold coins. Only a few coins would be enough to pay for travel to Berleant, and there was more than enough here. Julian tightened the string around the burlap sack of coins and stowed it in his one of his many coat pockets. It would be enough to purchase a sword too, when he reached an able blacksmith. Still, he would feel better with some weapon on his person.

He thought of his conversation with Regulus a few days ago, when Regulus had been drafting his letters to foreign kings. He had noticed a sharp, shiny letter-opener amongst the ink and parchment on Regulus' desk. Making quick work, Julian dug through the rest of the drawers until he found it. He studied it in the candlelight. It was certainly sharp enough to slit a man's throat. He tucked the weapon into one of his many pockets.

Julian returned to the bedroom where he found the sleep elixir crafted by Percy. He turned the small vial around and examined it, wondering how to hide it. He set the vial back onto the nightstand and rang the little bell by the bed.

Immediately, the door opened. Gregory strode inside and looked at Julian expectantly.

"Regulus and I are going on a horse-ride, and we're going to eat dinner by the river." Julian said brusquely, folding his hands behind his back. "I'd like the kitchens to prepare a sack of dried hams, cheeses, and fruits. And I want a flask of red wine."

Gregory's lip curled in amusement. "Is that all?" He asked politely, bowing his head like he did with Regulus.

"We'll also need blankets, flint, iron, and chopped wood."

"The guards will carry such things."

"There are no guards coming."

Gregory arched an eyebrow. "Of course we are."

"Regulus wants us to go alone."

Gregory looked into the corridor, then shut the door to allow them privacy. "Regulus agreed to go in the woods alone." He said slowly. "You convinced him to do this?"

"I didn't convince him of anything. He'll only be gone for a few hours." Julian said sharply, perturbed that Gregory was questioning him on this.

"He's the King of Admantine. He goes nowhere alone."

"He's not a child. He does not need the watchful eye of a governess."

Gregory studied Julian for a few moments. "What exactly are you planning?" He asked finally.

Julian considered denying it, but he knew that Gregory would not believe him. "Regulus will not be harmed," Julian said evenly, meeting Gregory's gaze. "I promise."

Gregory sucked in his teeth unhappily. "And what of yourself?"

"What do you mean?"

"You think you can honestly outmaneuver the King?" Gregory hissed. "He has won more wars than I have won card games. When it all goes awry, he will not be kind."

Julian was taken aback at first. He had never expected that Gregory, ever loyal to the Crown of Admantine, would ever say anything against Regulus. Julian couldn't tell if Gregory was warning him or threatening him.

"Nothing will go awry." Julian said finally, speaking through gritted teeth. "It is a horse-ride."

"You're a fool," Gregory muttered, before he brushed past Julian and headed to the door.

"Tell the kitchens what I ask," Julian called, but Gregory didn't respond and slammed the door shut. Julian walked to the bed and collapsed down upon it, staring at the canopied ceiling. He wouldn't know what to do if Regulus insisted that guards come along. He had grown excited by the prospect of leaving the castle alone with Regulus. There was no other way to escape. The guards kept a watchful eye on Julian when Regulus was not around, and Julian couldn't even enter the walled gardens without Regulus or a guard.

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