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Before I could even get through the doorway into Eleanors room she was pushing me to answer her questions.

"Was he a good kisser?!" She asked shutting the door behind her. I smiled thinking back knowing my answer was definantly a yes.

"Yeah he was really good actually. He's really sweet," I said as El 'Awed'.

"You guys are so cute but you need to DTR," El said.

"Eleanor, we have barely known each other for a week. We don't need to rush things. If he wants to ask me to be his girlfriend I would definantly say yes, but Im not going to be clingy and force things," I say wondering to myself if this will ever be anything. I would definantly be upset if nothing came of this becuase he seems special.

"Well I'm just saying don't let him get away," she said actually making a good point, "Now more details. Was there tongue? Was it to forced? Was it not enough?" She way such a detail oriented person I thought sighing to myself.

"It was perfect. No tongue, not forced at all, and it was more than enough. Just a perfect first kiss," I said.

"I'm glad it was enjoyable," El said smirking at me, "That stupid Madison better stay away from Zayn, thats all I'm saying."

"Wait you mean the cheerleader?"

"Yeah did Zayn not tell you she is his ex girlfriend as of like a month ago?"

"No he didn't. When I asked who it was when she was singing he told me and sounded really blunt about her but I had no idea they dated," I said wondering why he didn't just tell me. He tells me everything, but maybe he just didn't find it important.

"Yeah they dated for almost a year and then all of a sudden he dumped her when he found out she kissed a now junior baseball player. There was no way he could compete with someone who has such a nice ass becuase you know all baseball players have nice butts," she said. Sometime she can get so sidetracked.

"Oh wow. He must have been really hurt. Maybe thats why he didn't tell me," I said wondering how he must have felt watching her sing a song that basicaly described what she did. It must have been a blow to the gut for him to listen.

"Yeah I'm sure he'll tell you eventually," El said distracted by her phone.

"Yeah," I said also distracted by my phone which has just gone off.

'Just wanted to tell you I had alot of fun tonight and I look forward to seeing you again. Goodnight gorgeous.'

I couldnt help but grin ear to ear hoping El didn't notice but of course she did.

"Oh my gosh what did he say?!" I let her read the message and she did her girly squeal again making me blush. She held the phone out of my reach and typed a message I knew I wouldnt be happy with. I tryed to get it back but it was to late. I rolled my eyes as she laughed.

'Can't wait to "see" you either(;'

"I'm going to kill you!" I said making her laugh even more. I had to laugh with her becuase there was no way to be serious with Eleanor.

'Oh really?(;'

'Sorry that was Eleanor. She's dumb(:'

El reading the conversation over my shoulder wasn't happy with that comment but I just shrugged my shoulders when she slapped my shoulder.

'Oh so you don't want to kiss me again?(;'

'I didn't say that, I just stated two facts that might or might now have been related to the message she sent(:'

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2012 ⏰

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