The Beginning..

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Moving to a new school is never fun, but after years of never being anywhere long enough to accomplish anything, you start to get used to it. My dad is in the air force and he is relocated, along with mom and I, every year or two years. This time it’s to Tinker Air Force base in Oklahoma. We looked at schools and decided to live in the city of Moore. I’ve been moving schools since I was in second grade so by now I shouldn’t be nervous to go to a new school, but high school is so much different than just Elementary or Jr.High. Starting my freshman year has always been something I have looked forward to. I’ll be attending Moore High School for however long we are here. The closer school gets the more anxious I get. I worry about getting lost, who I’ll eat lunch with, my reputation and basically everything else someone could be nervous about on the first day of high school. The one thing I’m most worried about is volleyball.

I have played volleyball for two years as a setter. We make sure the ball is in the place it needs to be for our hitters to spike the ball. I absolutely love the sport, but I’m just worried their talent level is going to be way above mine. I mean I’m good and I know that but who knows how good the girls here are. The practices start in two weeks which will be mid-July. My friend Jessica, one of the only ones I keep in touch with, tells me I have nothing to worry about. She tells me I’m a shoe in for the Junior Varsity team at least.

I met Jessica in sixth grade when my dad was stationed in California. She is one of the only people I make sure to still talk to. She is a very quiet, respectful, goody-good but at the same time fun to be around. I tell her everything about my moves and she keeps me up to date on everything about the other people I left behind in Cali. She’s the one person I trust with anything and everything. It’s also a lot easier to trust people when they don’t really have anyone to spill your secrets too. She is my best friend even though we live in totally different places.

The only thing alike between where we live is the hot summers. Luckily we got a house with its own pool. I decide it’s time I go for my first swim in the new pool. I slip on my bikini and head out back. I look for a raft to lie out on after I take a swim and find three of them on the patio table, not blown up. After almost 10 minutes of blowing up a raft and almost fainting from lack of oxygen I jump into the perfect, cool water. Swimming by yourself isn’t very exciting so before long I’m already laying on my raft trying to tan my legs, which need a little color, so they will look good in my volleyball spandex uniform. Starting to get relaxed and used to the heat, my mom calls me in for dinner.

I spend the next two weeks laying out and also running a bit around the neighborhood to get ready for season. Running has never been one of my favorite things in the world but getting in shape early, I have found, is a good idea. I map out a mile and run two laps daily. When I run, since I hate it so much, I keep my iPod playing in my ear. I have found that rap is the best to run to, so I made a playlist with my favorite Eminem and Drake songs. Listening to the beat of the music gets you going a good decently fast pace without even realizing it.

My mom has tried to go running with me on the weekends and talk to me but we just aren’t super close. Dads always gone with military stuff and she’s always working so it’s usually just me who’s at home until dinner or sometimes later. She and I don’t talk much about my personal life much. We have a good relationship just nothing too personal. After going with me once she didn’t try to go again. I guess she understood that it was awkward for me. It was even worse when dad had a day off and tried to do the same.

Dad and I don’t talk much at all. He has never really been there for me like mom has been, or has tried to be. Maybe it is the military’s fault for making him so emotionless, but he just isn’t a compassionate person. I wish he would have tried harder when I was younger but now it is just weird because he never tried before so why start now? I didn’t really understand why he tagged along because he didn’t talk much, so it was just a quiet long run. The rest of the days until season started went by without any disturbances and before I knew it tomorrow was my first practice.

Waking up early didn’t come easy. I haven’t had to get up at 7:00 since the past school year and that’s a good month and a half behind me. Tired and nervous I pull my hair up, put on the normal volleyball wear (spandex, t-shirt, and knee pads), and head to the kitchen to find something light to eat. It’s never a good idea to eat a big breakfast before you go condition for a sport because for some it is hard to keep it down. I decide a banana and a granola bar will do and wake my mom up so she can give me a ride to the gym.

“Already?” she grumbles as she sits up probably still half asleep.

“No I just woke you up for no reason,” I mumbled under my breath as I walk out of the room to find her car keys. By the time I find them hidden at the bottom of her cluttered purse she is ready to go. I grab a water bottle from the fridge on the way out and as soon as I’m in the car the butterflies start.  I start to think the worst is going to happen. Anything that could go wrong played through my head as we drove. I have never been like this in my entire life. As we pull up to the gym I see a few other girls walking up, dressed in the normal attire, and looking super confident. I sit for just a moment, still, collecting myself before I walk into my very first freshman volleyball practice.

The gym was really hot which meant no air conditioning. What kind of gym didn’t have AC? It also didn’t help that it was already hot outside. The gym felt about ten degrees warmer than it was outside. I could smell the wax on the wooden gym floor as I walked down the stairs onto the court. So many girls had shown up for practice. There are the picture perfect tan blondes and awkward pale redheads. As for me I’m just one of those normal half tan brunettes. Walking up to where all the other girls were I was approached by another average girl like me.

“You new here?” she asked.

“Yeah what about you?”

“To the high school but not to the players. I’m Eleanor Calder.”

“Robin Stone,” I told her.

“Well we have to have partners for warm-ups so wanna partner up?”

“Yeah. Thanks for saving me from the awkwardness of not knowing anyone. It’s not my favorite.”

“No big deal. I don’t care for many of the skanks here anyways and you seem like you’ll be a little different than them.”

“Well you don’t have to worry about me being a skank because I’m the farthest from it.”

“Good, we should get along just fine then.” She says with a smirk as the coach comes out to introduce herself.

The head coach is Coach Black, varsity, Coach Travis, JV, and Coach Johnson, freshmen. Turns out the first two weeks are just a bunch of running, lifting, and agility training. We did relay races and a mile today and even with my two weeks of running didn’t prepare me for the hot thick air of the gym. It was hot as hell by the time practice was out and going outside didn’t help.

“Good job today Stone,” said Eleanor as we walked up the stairs that felt like a mountain after today’s hard work out.

“Thanks, you too.”

“Well I guess I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow”

“Alright see you tomorrow,” I say heading out to my mom’s car almost at a jog dying for some quality air conditioning.

Hey guys! Thank you for reading! Hope you guys like it!

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Thanks again, Alexis<33

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