It's a Date

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The next morning I woke up to no alarm and checked the time on my phone. I had slept in thirty minutes! If I didn’t hurry I was going to be late. I franticly threw on my clothes and ran to get my mom up. Forgetting breakfast I grabbed my shoes and ran to the car. Practice started in ten minutes and I was at least ten away. As soon as mom stopped the car I was out the door and in the gym.

            The team had just started our new warm-up jog and I looked for Zayn. I found him rounding the corner on the other side of the gym so I waited for him to come around to me before I started running. When he saw me waiting on him he smiled the same smile he gave me when he caught me staring at him.

            “Thought you were gonna ditch me,” he said still smiling.

            “I thought about it, and then I decided having to run a mile to make up the practice wasn’t worth it.”

            “Or you just wanted to see me,” he said. I was silent for a while until he said laughing, “I’m kidding Stone.”

            “Well you know I figured you were, since there isn’t much to you that I would want to see,” I said trying to use the sarcasm I have picked up from Eleanor.

            “I would argue that,” he said as the coaches blew their whistles, signaling us to stop running.

“And why is that?” I asked with genuine curiosity.

“Well I figured you weren’t staring at me for no reason yesterday.”

“I wasn’t staring,” I said trying to be casual still.

“Is that right? You know I was going to ask you for your number after practice but if you weren’t staring then I guess maybe you aren’t interested.” I wanted so bad to just say ‘Oh no I was here is my number’ but one, I would sound pathetic and two I was way too nervous to say anything at all. He glanced to see what my reaction was and smiled. I must have looked as nervous as I felt. Something about him, just being around me, gives me the butterflies. I kind of liked them, and I think he kind of likes me. He wanted my number so that has to mean something, right?

They split the guys and girls up to do relays. Whichever team won, girls or guys, got to choose the punishment for the other team, and it wasn’t physical punishments. It was silly things like singing I’m a Little Tea Pot while doing the motions or writing your name with your butt. There was no way any of us girls were going to let the boys win and look like idiots in front of them. We were ready for the challenge.

For the relay they had each team pick 5 members to participate. The first person sprinted down and back, the second person had to back pedal, the third had to ‘grapevine’, the fourth had to back pedal again, and the last person had to sprint an entire lap around the gym then race back to their line. I was chosen to be person number 5. Zayn was chosen to but he was number 1. He looked over and smiled just as the coaches blew there whistle. That smile gave the girls a head start because he obviously wasn’t paying attention.

By the time it was my turn to go the teams were neck and neck. This last lap will decide who wins. As soon as I’m tagged I start my lap at a dead sprint. A jumble of voices was yelling my name and my opponents. I wasn’t sure how far I was ahead I just knew I was and I didn’t slow down. On the last turn I saw I was still ahead and raced to my team who welcomed me with yelling and cheering. We had won.

“Since when do you run that fast,” Eleanor asked rhetorically, not actually wanting an answer. I shrugged, and then we got to decide the guy’s punishment. I looked over at Zayn and the other guys as the other girls were discussing their decision. He caught my look and mouthed “Nice job.”

 I mouthed back “Thanks” with a smile. The girls had decided they had to write their full name with their butts and I have to say it was one of the funniest things I have ever watched. Even more funny than the movie Step Brothers or The Hangover. Well… I don’t know if it was that funny but it was pretty entertaining. Zayn and Jacob were getting into it, with some pretty intense hip motions and obnoxious facial expressions.

“So how do you like Jacob?” I asked Eleanor.

“He’s pretty cool, but it’s just a brother sister type relationship. No love interest like you and Zayn over there.”

“It’s not a love interest, just a normal interest. He kind of asked for my number when…”

Cutting me off Eleanor asked, “What? He did? When?”

“I was getting to that,” I said and explain what exactly happened.

“Well you guys have some kind of connection. He looks at you all the time. Even when you can’t see it, everyone else can. You should give him your number, make the first move,” she said. Could everyone really see it? Is it more obvious than I can tell? We had just met and he was already interested. This could be a good and bad thing. I guess I’ll just have to find out myself.

After practice he came up to me, “Thanks for that great punishment. I enjoyed it.”

“I could tell,” I said smiling, “You were really getting into it.” I noticed he had his phone in hand and I took it.

“What are you doing?” he asked giving me a questioning look.

“You said you were going to ask for it so I’m saving you the trouble,” I said surprised at myself for actually taking initiative. He smiled at me,

“Well thank you. Since you saved me the time of asking you that question I have time to ask you this one.”

“And what might that be?”

“Want to do something tomorrow after practice? Lunch maybe?” I had never been asked out to do anything with a guy before. Especially not by a guy as cute as Zayn Malik.

“I guess it would be rude to say no,” I said. He laughed at that and I did too, but just for a moment. Then he said,

“Well then it’s a date. I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said, and with that he walked out of the gym and to his car.

“You’re going on a date!?” Eleanor asked.

“I guess you could say that,” I said smiling shyly.

“Well you better bring some perfume and some actual pants,” Eleanor said looking disapprovingly at my spandex, “because those will give him the wrong message.” I rolled my eyes at her. She laughed and we walked out together.

“See you tomorrow lover girl.”

“See you later,” I said getting into my mom’s car wondering how tomorrow is going to be.

Hey guys! Thank you for reading! Hope you guys like it.

Please leave your comments, suggestions, etc. below(:

Thanks again, Alexis<33

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