Sherri's Diner

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At dinner I decided I would tell my mom and dad about the whole thing with Zayn. Not knowing how they would take it I cautiously said “Hey mom you don’t need to get me after practice. I’m… going to lunch with a friend.”

“Oh good you’ve made friends,” my dad said with a smile not knowing what I was about to tell him, “What’s her name?”

“His… his name is Zayn,” I said and the table got quiet.

“So who exactly is this Zayn?” my mom asked.

“Some of the football players came in to work out with us. Zayn and I got paired together and he asked me to lunch. No big deal guys, it’s just lunch,” I said trying to convince them it wasn’t a ‘date’.

“Well how are you and Zayn getting to lunch? Are his parents taking you?” my dad asked me.

“No, actually, he has a car. He’s going to drive us,” I said wondering if they were going to freak out on me.

“I don’t think you’ll be going to…” my dad tried to say as my mom cut him off,

“Well I bet that will be fun. Remind me to give you money in the morning.” My parents exchanged looks. My dad’s saying ‘Are you crazy?’ and my mom’s saying ‘It will be fine’. It got really quiet and tense so I excused myself from the table and headed up to my room and checked my phone. I saw I had two new messages. One was from Jessica asking about how I was and one from Zayn that said ‘Hey’. Who knew a simple ‘Hey’ could make someone so giddy and happy. One word and I was on cloud nine.

How could someone find something so simple, so incredibly important? Of course I replied with the same ‘Hey’ I had received and texted Jessica back. I told her everything besides any information on Zayn. No reason to get her all excited when I didn’t even know what this was yet. Not two minutes after I replied to Jessica, he texted me back. ‘What’s up’ is all he said and it still made me smile. We texted, about basically nothing, until I finally had to go to bed. “Well I need to get to bed or practice will suck,” I told him.

“Well goodnight, I’ll see you in the morning,” and with that last text I tried to sleep but could faintly hear my parents downstairs. They were yelling at each other about something, but I couldn’t make out what so I got out of bed and sat at the top of the stairs.

“You’re really going to let her go with some random boy she barely knows?” my dad asked my mom.

“James. She will be fine. Let her live a little. She has never been out with a boy before. She is a teenage girl it’s bound to happen sooner or later,” mom replied.

“Well I’d rather it be later, with someone she has known for longer than two days. Two days is all she has known this boy! And we are letting her ride around in a car with him!”

“Listen, she’s a smart girl. She won’t do anything stupid and if she needs us she has a phone.”

“Laura, if you’re ok with it fine, but I’m not. She can go but if anything happens to her or if she makes a stupid move, the blame is on you. Hopefully I don’t have to say ‘I told you so’.” Did he really just say that to her? I mean I can see not being ok with it but to put the pressure on my mom was wrong. Looks like he’s going to be in the dog house tonight for that.

I’ve never heard my parents fight before. It just doesn’t happen, so this was kind of surprising. I don’t want them to fight on my behalf. I silently crept back to my room and crawled in bed with mixed emotions. Part of me happy about tomorrow and the other part wondering why my parents all of a sudden started caring enough to fight about me.

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