Lake Party (Big Chapter :D)

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I want to thank JabberJaws for making both Lucy Guetta and Madison Welch for this story! I want to dedicate this to her and tell you guys to check her writing out! (Seriously though check her out0 ;) Thank you again for your help. Your a really cool gal'(: <3

When we finally reached my door step Zayn asked, "So a bunch of people are going to this party down at Lake Thunderbird this Saturday. Kind of like a back to school thing. Would you want to go with me?"

I knew my dad wasn't going to like the idea but I would convince him. "I make no promises but I would love to," I said with a grin. He looked at me for a second and smiled. He leaned in and I could have sworn he was going to kiss me but I was wrong.

"I'll see you tomorrow Stone," he whispered in my ear. His hand barely grazed my arm before he turned to get in his car. Before he drove away he waved and I smiled and went inside. I was smiling to myself and so lost in thought I didnt even notice my parents in the livingroom to my left. They both looked up at me but my mom was the only one to say anything.

"So how was lunch?"

"It was good. We went to a place called Sherri's. I guess they are known for breakfast so we had that," I said casualy.

"Well I'm glad you had fun," she said. With that I went upstairs to call Eleanor to see if she knew about this party.

"He WHAT?" Elenor asked more excited than I was.

"He invited me to a party," I said for the second time.

"How did he ask exactly," she asked. She was a freak about details.

"He said 'Would you want to go with me?'," I aid hoping I wouldn't have to repeat myself.

"Oh my gosh! So you guys have another date!" Eleanor yelled so loudly I though my parents would even be able to hear downstairs.

"El it's not a date,  he just asked my to a party. No biggie," I said thinking I might be trying to convince myself and not just Eleanor.

"Whatever you say, but I was planning on going anyways so maybe you could come and stay at my house that night?" she asked.

"That actually sounds great," I said devising a plan to get my parents to let me go, "I'll let you go. I'm going to go try and convince my parents to let me go."

"Okay, text me later and let me know whats up," she said.

"Will do," I replied and hung up. I took a few deep breaths and went downstairs to the livingroom where my dad was.

"Hey dad," I said sitting next to him on the couch.

"Hey sweety," he said watching a basketball game on tv.

"So Eleanor and Zayn both told me that a bunch of kids from my new school were going to the lake to get together before school started up again. I thought it would be good if I went so I could meet people before the summer is over," I said avoiding the word party.

"Should I be worried about anything?" my dad asked pausing the game.

"Oh noof course not. Eleanor offered I stay at her house that night and Zayn said he would pick me up and take me," I said hoping that casual refrence to Zayn wouldn't make my dad hesitant.

He sighed and looked at me for a second, "Okay. You can go but you call me as soon as you get to your friends house okay?"

I was shocked. He didn't argue at all. "Oh my gosh! Thank you daddy!" I said and hugged him.

"Yeah yeah," he said and unpaused the game.


The rest of the week went by with nothing special. I was just excited today was finally Saturday. Zayn told me he would pick me up around six thirty to head to the lake. It was already six and I couldn't find a single thing I wanted to wear.

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