Zayn Malik

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As I get in the car and we pull out of the parking lot my mom asks, half-heartedly, “How was practice?”

“Not too bad. It was better than I thought it would be.”

“That’s good,” say says ending her motherly act. She turns on the radio to fill the silence between us. She flips through the radio station until she comes upon Adele’s new single everyone loves. I’m not a huge fan of the song, considering she is ’wishing the best’ to someone who broke her heart. I would never be able to say something like that to someone who has hurt me. This either makes me the bad guy or it just means she is insane.

As soon as I get home, from my three hour trip to the hell they call a gym, I once again slip on my swim suit and quickly make a sandwich. I decide bologna and mustard will do and head to the backyard. While I’m eating I sit on the edge of the pool with the water coming up to my calves. The heat of mid-day is making my entire body scream for the cool escape of the water so I hurry with my poorly made sandwich and quickly slip in.

At that moment every sore, tense muscle in my body relaxes and feels half way normal. I couldn’t tell you how many lunges we did in relays but I can tell you that my legs now feel like rubber holding up blocks of cement. Tomorrows practice is going to suck way worse than today because being sore and having to exercise more in one of the worst feelings in the entire world.

The rest of this week drug by just like today. More lunges, sprints, and relays and I got to know Aubree a little better. She is one of those people you either like or don’t. She is always sarcastic, making joked, and harsh (but funny) comments about people. It’s not like she is talking bad about anyone because when she says stuff she doesn’t mean it, especially when she teases me. That’s one thing I have had to get used to, her snide comments about me. I know she’s just kidding and I find them funny to so we get along just fine. I try to play off of her a little but it’s like second had nature to her. She is really witty and I enjoy it.

Next week was way different than the last. The coaches informed us that we were going to be pared with a football player and we were going to be conditioning alongside them for this week. Of course the skanks were all excited and rolled their spandex up a little higher, as if they weren’t high enough already, and the nerds were conversing amongst each other about how nervous they were. Aubree and I weren’t very excited, but we decided as long as he was good looking we were ok with it.

“There is nothing wrong with a little eye candy,” Eleanor said as I smiled in agreement.

Before long we saw the boys entering along with their coach. You could tell most of them were too caught up with the girls whose butt cheeks were hanging out to even remember why they were here, but they all snapped back to reality when their coach started talking. He started calling out the pairs they had previously decided, and I patiently waited for my name to be called.

I was observing each of the players until my gaze fell upon one of the hottest guys I have ever seen in my entire life. Long blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and the perfect build. I couldn’t help but stare at the guy.

“Drooling much?” Eleanor asked looking from me to him and I couldn’t help but smile.

As if he could tell what we were talking about he looked right over at me and I shyly looked away and then looked back. Of course he was still looking over here and actually flashed a smile. I actually found myself smiling back. Not because I had chosen to, but because is secretly slipped its way onto my mouth. I looked away again and started conversing with Aubree about this guy I didn’t even know and then the coach called my name.

“Robin Stone, you’ll be with Zayn Malik.”

That was him! The gorgeous guy, with a great smile I might add, was my partner. The skanks looked at me with more envy than I’d ever seen, but I honestly didn’t care. He introduced himself and I had never felt so shy before.

“Zayn,” he said reaching for a hand shake.

“Robin,” I said shaking his hand.

Standing together like the other pairs, we waited for the others to get their partners. Eleanor gave me a look and smiled and I laughed, getting a curious look from Zayn. She didn’t pick up a bad guy either. His name was Jacob Sloan, a cute dark haired guy. They came over and stood by Zayn, I, and Eleanor and I whispered while the guys talked over us.

“How did you manage to get the hot guy you were already drooling over?” Eleanor asked.

“I don’t know but I’m pretty ok with it,” I said as I winked, “You didn’t end up with chopped liver either.”

“Yeah that’s true. He’s pretty alright,” she also said with a wink and a smile.

The first thing we did with our partner was run laps for a warm-up. It was the perfect time to get to know Zayn a little bit.

“So what position do you play?” I asked lamely but I was curious.

“Quarterback. I’ve played this position since I was nine. What about you?”

“Setter hopefully. We haven’t really done much to determine what I’ll actually get to play but I’ve been setter since the seventh grade.”

“You a freshman?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I said, “You?”

“Nah I’m a sophomore.”

“Oh cool,” I said basically ending the conversation. The rest of the jog was pretty quiet but I could tell he didn’t find it boring or a waste of time. He had some sort of grin on his face the whole time that I didn’t understand.

The rest of the practice went by like this. We made small talk but nothing of much interest for either of us. I was defiantly looking forward to the rest of this week, and I knew Aubree was too. We walked out of the gym together right behind Zayn.

“Damn your guy is fine,” she said while eyeballing him.

“He’s not ‘my guy’ and yeah I know he is,” I said with a smirk, “He’s also quarterback.”

“Man aren’t you just the luckiest girl here,” she said walking off to her mom’s car. 

“Hey Stone, nice job today. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Zayn said walking towards the parking lot.

“Okay see you tomorrow,” I said. He waved then climbed into a brand new bright red Camaro and drove off. Man was he hot. 

The rest of the day was basically a blur. I couldn’t stop thinking about him and I didn’t know why. I wondered why he was always grinning even though it probably didn’t even mean anything. Looks like my goal this week won’t be to get in shape it will be the get to know Zayn, the hot quarterback with a sports car.

Hey guys! Thank you for reading! Hope you guys like it!

Please leave your comments, suggestions, etc. below(:

Thanks again, Alexis<33

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