Wedding Plans

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Dont forget to read the note at the bottom! thanks!
*Riley's POV*

"Riley, dearie its time we started talking about the wedding!"

I looked up at Mrs.Weasley as she hurried over to me and Ginny as we sat outside with Nellie and Oliver. "Sure, Mrs.Weasley. What should we start on today?"

"Well, the guest list obviously, and then the color scheme and a possible theme, flowers, the dresses..." she rattled off more things as Oliver crawled over to her legs. He was getting so big so fast! His brown hair was starting to get thicker and his eyes were so bright. I hoped they stayed that way.

My throat constricted slightly as I realized that everyone at the wedding would be from Fred's family...I pictured my section...empty...except for two people. I tried not to show how disappointed I was but when I really thought about it I just wanted to cry, I felt so pathetic.

I glanced at Ginny and frowned, "I don't really know actually..."

            "How big did you want the wedding to be?"

             "A modest size, I suppose," I looked at my hands as I tried to keep my composure. "Actually I'll have Fred work on it."


"What about this one?" I stated as I spun around in probably the fifth dress we've seen, it was a strapless floor length gown that fanned out at the bottom.

Hermione tilted her head and nodded, "interesting."

I sighed, "come on, 'mione!"

Ginny ran over holding a big dress, "try this one. It's perfect for you."

I walked to the changing room and switched dresses, this one hugged my body and showed off my curves perfectly—I looked incredible for someone who had twins about six months ago now. It had somewhat thick straps made of bejeweled fabric, the designed straps matched the design at the top of my dress. Fabric crossed my chest and was clipped on the hip by a single silver flower, at the top of the dress was a beautiful collage of flowers, they were all pure white with a silver jewel in the middle. The dress itself fanned out as it went down and was somewhat pleated, it was absolutely stunning as I checked myself in the mirror. When I walked out Hermione and Ginny both looked at me, stunned. "well?" I asked nervously.

Ginny smirked, "marvelous. Just like I thought."

Hermione nodded in agreement, "Fred won't be able to keep his hands off you." Ginny prodded her ribs and laughed.

I nodded, "this one it is. What color dresses should you wear then?"

They looked at each other for a moment, "how about dark or metallic silver?" Hermione offered.

I considered this for a moment, nodding slowly. "I like it!" We paid for the dress and left the shop in search of Hermione and Ginny's dresses, we found them about five stores later. They were a metallic silver that flowed nicely to their knees, a simple flower pattern sat on their left hip like mine, we bought black flats to go with them and went back home after that.

*Fred's POV*

I glared at the dark green door in front of me, it's golden 3D sparkled slightly as I sighed, reaching into my pocket I checked the address before knocking once on the door. I stood impatiently, waiting for this day to be over with, although it was only eleven in the morning, but god did I want this to be over with. I gave a heavy sigh, as the doorknob turned and that vile, arrogant face stared at me in surprise.

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