The days of Summer

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The train moved at its normal pace as I sat curled in my seat, Ron sat next to me with Hermione and Harry across from me. Fred stopped talking to me and unfortunately for George, he had to be the one to tell me that Fred didn't want to date me until I told him everything. Which I didn't—I decided it was best this way. There was no way that Fred would still love me after hearing that I was the daughter of a death eater, George may've said all of those things to make me feel better that night but there was no way Fred would do the same. He had even said so earlier! I looked at my reflection in the window as we continued on our way, my hair was back to brown but my eyes stayed the hazel color they had changed to a few days ago and wouldn't go back to my brilliant green. This didn't bother me though, everyone said that my eyes looked dazzling and I added a bit of eyeliner to highlight them which just made them prettier, at least that's what Ginny and Hermione told me.

As I silently cried into the window I felt Ron patting my back. "Fred's just an arse sometimes Riley, don't let him get to you," Ron whispered.

I looked at him and smiled, "thank you Ron. But he's not the arse here, I am."

He pulled me into a hug as the train continued.

"Do you think he'll ever talk to me again?" I whispered. I watched Ron give a helpless glance to the others and I sighed, "that's what I thought." The compartment door opened suddenly and George appeared breathing heavily, "Riley! got any fireworks?" He grinned at me.

I nodded slowly and reached for my bag where I pulled out a set of firecrackers, "here."

George gave me a sympathetic look before leaving, "don't let Fred upset you. He'll get over it and you'll be back together in no time." He leaned in closer so that I was looking into his eyes, "whatever you need, I'm here for you got it? Just send me an owl and I'll be right there, I promise."

I nodded as George gave a small smile, "give it time alright?" and he left the compartment, I sat back down and stared out the window. Later on I heard a bunch of bangs going off and I started to smile guessing who the target was—within a few minutes it was as if he read my mind and the door opened again.

"What did you do?!" Draco Malfoy fumed as he glared at me.

I tried my best to grin at him, "I've been here the whole time Draco."

He smirked, "so it was your little boy toys huh?"

My face flushed and I realized that my hair had turned platinum blonde as Draco looked at me in shock but then frowned, "no witty comments today?"

"They're not my boy toys Malfoy," I said darkly.

He tilted his head and smirked, "they left you didn't they?"

My hair was now black, I didn't say a word as he laughed, "they really did leave huh?"

I looked at him and gave him a deadly look, "you know exactly what happened."

Draco paused before continuing, he knew me for so long and knew better than to mess with me when I was like this, but he did love infuriating me, "why don't you tell me then oh cousin of mine?"

"because I was an idiot and never told the love of my life who I actually was!" I was fuming now, my wand in hand and ready to attack Draco. Ron Harry and Hermione stood up and took out their wands as well, sensing this may end in a fight. "I never told him that I'm the daughter of a death eater, are you happy?" I choked out.

My hands flew to my mouth as I looked around the compartment, Hermione stood with big eyes staring down at the floor, Harry and Ron stared at each other with shocked expressions. Draco was laughing in the doorway at my outburst.

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