Chapter 12: Not My Fault

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Anger and defense were definitely the main things I was feeling right now. Yet there was also annoyance and a bit of happiness at seeing her again.

"I just saved your life, you're welcome."

Her thick, dark eyebrows pressed together now that she seemed to have caught up with the events. Her finger pointed at old iron spikes scattered around the place I had been standing not too long ago. That seemed incredibly dangerous and entirely not how you make a trap.

I grunted before standing up again and looking around me for more of those dangerous deathtraps. Not believing the sight in front of me, I squinted my eyes. The whole place was rigged with self-made traps made from old materials that were not at all reliable in these circumstances.

"They made them themselves." She shook her head, the same disbelief was written on her face.

With a scoff I turned around and stared down at the smaller girl. Today she wore clothes that told me exactly what her statute was. The finesse and expensiveness of her purple, blue and black clothes made her look entirely like a princess. She looked incredible and yet I missed the simplicity of her 'human' clothes.

"You're the vampire princess." I pointed out the obvious.

Her eyes bore into mine, her gaze sharp and attentive. Like she was taking in every detail of me.

"Yeah, and you are the Hunter that is killing my people like they're annoying flies." Her voice was sharp, her eyes unforgiving. She didn't look angry, but she wasn't gentle and friendly like last time.

"They are," I responded annoyed. I couldn't forget that she lied about her identity. "Your people have been murdering humans across these lands. We have been saving them from you."

She snorted. "Why are you here anyways?"

"I came to help."

The princess stepped sideways and shook her head while letting her eyes skip around the place. Yet again that same intelligence I'd seen last time shone in those brown orbs.

"You're too late."

Her voice was softer, regret was clear and again she cared more than I would expect from a vampire. But then again, that could easily just be my upbringing talking.

It annoyed me that she was exactly what I had hoped a vampire could be. Now that she was here, I didn't know what I needed to do with this information. It didn't seem to be so easy anymore now that reality was right in front of me. I couldn't just tell the Council that it was wrong to kill every vampire just because one of them was a decent person. They would laugh at my face. No, actually they would more likely kill me for treason.

I sighed, before pointing at the scene in front of me. "What happened here?"

She looked at me with guarded eyes. She didn't speak right away, the silence and her investigating eyes made me uncomfortable. It made me want to move away from her gaze. My feet shuffled backwards and made me hit something laying on the ground. The startle made me stumble a bit and she reached forward so quickly that I instinctively pushed her away.

"Stay away from me," I yelped in panic as I kept stumbling backwards. Her hand caught mine in a strong grip and she pulled me forward. My balance took a 180 degree turn and made me fall into the princess's arms. She would've caught me if it wasn't for the arrow slicing alongside the same cheek that I hit previously. It was still looking a bit red from before and now a thin line of blood joined it. Her hands dropped me and pushed me to the ground, while she jumped to the side. Another arrow missed her just barely and she hissed in anger.

"Truan!" She shouted, but her words were eaten by the heat of battle that had rapidly occured.

Ura ran towards me, she kept firing arrow after arrow. Not giving the other girl much chance to do anything but dodge them. With a final look at the princess, hoping she'd see how sorry I was for this, I got up. When her eyes met mine, there was no pleasantness to be found, her eyes were burning with anger and betrayal. She seemed so much older and it scared me to see such darkness inside of them. She didn't have compassion right now, she was being shot at and she would take out whoever stood against her. A shiver ran along my body at that realization.

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