Chapter Fifteen

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Ginny just finished getting me ready, and the ball happens in thirty minutes. My outfit is gorgeous.

(Outfit is at the top, so you can skip the description if wanted. Pretend like it is in the store for a little girl. She has to look elegant)

The dress is blue, but the top I silver glitter. The glitter fades into the blue, making it look kind of like space. There is a slight poof in the dress, so it is like a princess gown.

My should are white heels. The heels are maybe 4 inches high. They have white bands, that look silver. On the side, there is a clip. They are jist magnificent.

My makeup is light. I have a slight contour, and minimal blush. My eyelashes have mascara and have a light brown on the lids. I am wearing red lipstick, so it pops out from the rest of my face.

My hair is in a weird style. It is braided back into a bun. It forms a circular path on the back. All in all, it looks beautiful.

(End of description)

I look at Ginny and wave. She hugs me and smiles. Before I can say bye, she walks out the door.

"Hermione" I hear Bliase call.

"One sec" I yell amd put on my simple black circle earings.

"Are you ready" he asks, as I stand up and walk to the door.

"Yes, come on in" I sigh and open the door. He gasps when he sees me.

"You look outstanding" he smiles.

"Thank you, how much longer until the party" I ask.

"Ten minutes, I just need your help on the final thing. So you know how in Hogwarts they have that cool sky roof" he asks, as we walk down the stairs.

"Yes, continue" I grin. I get to preform the spell I want to!

"We need you to cast it for us. Only you know what the charm is" he explains.

"That sounds good" I say and begin preforming the spell. Blaise watches me with amazement.

"Blaise ,darling, she is amazing" I hear his mom whisper to him. A small smile grows on my face. This is going to drain some energy.

"Thank you, dear" Blaise's father pats my shoulder.

"Three minutes and twenty seconds" I mumble and Blaise looks at his watch. Him and I rush upstairs and his parents open the doors.

"Ok, we will come out when my father sends his patronous" Blaise explains and I nod.

"Do you have any energy drinks" I ask him.

"Yeah I swiped some earlier" he informs and hands me a potion. I drink it and I immediately feel better.

"Now" Blaise says. I never saw a patronous, but I didn't say anything.

"And now my son Blaise Zabini and the brightest witch of her age, Hermione Granger" Mr. Zabini announces.

Applauds can be heard from every direction, as me and Blaise we all down the stairs. I see the familiar faces if the Malfoy's and so many more.

"Hermione, dear, you look stunning" people say complementing me left and right.

As I walk through the room, I see a woman all by herself in the corner. I walk over to her, not wanting her to have to be alone on such a night. When she sees me, a smile spreads across her face.

"I have heard rumors of how truly magnificent you are. How you are going into second year, but preforming seventh year spells. Tell me, how did you learn all of this" the woman says as I reach her.

"I got a letter stating the beginning of summer. To be truly honest, I don't know how I read all of those books. I spent hours in flourish and Blotts every single day, trying to get better. After so many hours, I was able to preform spells easily" I explain.

"I see. Oh, pardon my impertinence, I am Madam Riddle. Or Evanna Riddle" she shakes my hand. I shake hers and we continue talking for a while.

"Hermione, would you like to dance" Draco asks me. I nod and follow him to the dance floor. Every step we take, is smooth as silk. After dancing so perfectly for a little bit people began to watch us. They watched our swift movements and began to join in.

I am swept away from Draco and I am now dancing with Blaise. Our movements are just the same, but he is more crowd pleasing. His hand lies on my back loosely and our hands clasped together. The dance continues until the music stops.

I go over to Mrs. Malfoy and she smiles at me. She has a very motherly auroa. I like that about her.

"Hello dear" she pulls me into a hug. Mr. Malfoy chose that moment to leave and converse with Mr. Zabini.

"Hello, Mrs. Malfoy" I smile. She gives me a lot bit I stay as I am. She doesn't like that I call her Mrs. Malfoy.

"What have I told you about calling me that" she scolds. I chuckle lightly and begin having a conversation with her.

"Hermione, come look at this" Draco pulls me away from his mom. We walk up the stairs to an empty hall. He pulls me into a room and I smile.

The room was lit with candle light. The candles float around the room in a pattern that looks like a river. Roses were placed in certain places, making a heart. There was a water fall crashing into the purple river.

"Draco" I gasp.

"Hermione, will you be my girlfriend" he asks. I smile and nod. We sit in the room and talk until it is time for food. When we arrive, no one seems to have noticed our absence.

"A toast to knowledge and love" Mrs. Zabini smiles at me. I smile back and we all begin eating. I, after eating very little, finished first. No one question my lack of appetite, and just blamed it on excitement.

I cast a quick spell and planets began to spin. They produced star duct which fell down to the people at the party. They missed the people and landed on the ground perfectly.

Mr. Zabini glanced at me and I shrugged. He gave a thumbs up and I nod. One more charm. The constellations begin to form in the sky. I put all of the ones I remember.

"Hermione, you look tired" Draco says, worriedly.

"I'm fine. I was just casting some simple charms on the sky" I point my, shakey, hand at the ceiling. He nods and goes back to eating.

"Hermione, I have something to talk to you about" Mrs. Riddle tells me. I nod and follow her out of the house and into a small garden.

"Yes Ma'am" I ask, politely. She frowns at that but I shrug it off. Why does every witch hate formalities? Every wizard loves it...

"I am sorry for leaving you with those horrid people. You did not deserve such a terrible life. I could not put you in danger. My husband was leading a very bad army and I did not want you harmed. You are destined for great things. He will come back, and you will be the one to stop him. For the love he will have for you, will over fun his hate. You are the only chance this world has. Please, Hermione, my daughter, please defeat him" she says. Daughter... Father... No...

"I'm your daughter" I ask astonished.

"Yes, I had to give you away the second you were born. You see, your father is Voldemort, or Tom Riddle. I did not want to leave you, nor do I ever feel as if I have betrayed you. Those people I left you with, they were once good people, then their daughter died. They had a little girl named Rain, and she died in the hands of your father. I was Ted to sill the emptiness, so I left you with them. Anyway, your father was being attacked, and you would have been killed. Any heir to the riddle throne would have been killed or worse enslaved! I could not subject you to such things, so I sent you away. You were given a good reputation and you have many people to care for you" she cries.

"Well, mom, do I need to tell them" I ask. She nods solemly. How will they take it?

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