Chapter Six

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What am I supposed to do now? Get beat senseless, then run for hours on end. Yes, that is exactly what will happen.

It is now two in the morning, and I am running. I have to run from two to nine now. The last routine got too easy.

Harry always writes. I believe he lives in Godrics hollow. He never said...

I love running, it gives me time to think. How am I supposed to respond to Harry's letter?

Dear Hermione,

Has Ron written you yet? I will kick his arse if he hasn't. His family is very big, so he might just have a lot to do. The other day, me and my parents were shopping in muggle London and I heard screams. I remember you saying that you live on Mulberry street. That is where the screams we're coming from, are screams heard often? Tell me if they are so I can help you get to the bottom of it. I am so glad that you have had a great summer. You are going to the Weasley's two weeks before school starts right? If you can't go, then see if you can come to Godrics hollow. Well, mum is calling me down for dinner. Bye 'Mione

Harry Potter

How am I supposed to lie? The screams we're from me. If he heard them, then he might come back. Maybe I could just say I wasn't here. I was in a vacation!

That's perfect! Now I just have to finish my route twice and then head home.

When I arrive home, I am panting. I have never felt so sick in my life. Why is this happening today?

I look on my desk and see three more pieces of paper. One is labeled Fred one is labeled George and the last one is labeled Cedric. Great, even more letters to reply to...

I begin to read them, starting with Fred's.

Dear Hermione,

I am sorry that Ron hasn't been writing. He has been grounded and is not allowed a quill, nor is he allowed any type of parchment... That is aside the point, I wanted to know if you were going to the burrow for the last two weeks of summer. I would like to see you again. You seem like you don't like crowds much, though. If needed, we will visit you at home. Harry has also said that you might be going to his home in Godrics Hollow. Please notify me if you are, I would like to visit you. Hope to see you soon, love.

Fred Weasley

I laughed at his nickname. No one has ever called me that before. Either way, I loved it.

Next, I read George's.

Dear Hermione,

Can you believe we haven't seen each other in two weeks? It is god awful! Ron told me to tell you, that he is very sorry for not being able to write you. He wishes you a great summer! I already know that Fred asked you, so I won't ask about the burrow. I wanted to tell you about an amazing prank Fred and I pulled. Our mum went out with our father. When they got back, we had filled their bedroom with spiders! They made us sleep outside for the night, but it was worth it. I hope you are having a great summer. Hopefully, I will see you soon, darling.

George Weasley

I finished reading his letter. He gave me a nickname too! They are just going today!

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