I nodded my head 'Yes' and say

" The potion will wear off at midnight. It does every night. I will tell him tomorrow. I promise. Thank you Britney. You are the bestest frined I have ever had. You definetly top Allyson."

Britney starts laughing and says " Well I hope I do. Now lets get you all cleaned up, then we are having a sleep over and telling Blaze tomorrow together."

Britney helped me clean up my.......mess. Then, we layed in my bed and watched movies until midnight. We watched like four movies. 22 jumpstreet. The Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones. Divergent. Step Up 2: The Streets. My favorite movies of all time. I fell asleep half way through Step Up.


Britney woke me up this morning by blaring 'Monster' by Skillet on my stereo system. She nearly gave me a heart attack.

Now we are in the kitchen at her parents house making breakfast for them all. Whitney and Blaine were the first to come down the stairs. You could tell that they had mated last night because you could see Whitney's mark and  their scents were mixed. I looked at Britney and she quickly looked away from the couple. I could see the sadness and envy in her eyes. She let one single tear slip out of her eye. 

Damn!!! This girl is strong mentally and physically. I walk over to her and wip away her tear, so no one will notice and give her a quick squeeze as if to say ' Everything will be alright'. She nods her head in thanks and understanding. Her parents come down and give Britney a hug before they rush to Blaine and Whitney. 

Britney's parents looked so excited and happy. I can see that it only made her sadder. She pulls me into the living room and says

"I'm sorry, but you are gonna have to do this yourself. I can't be in here. It makes me sad because Blaine is my ex and they have something I don't. You will get something I don't have either. I can't stand here and pretend that everyone having a mate that loves them doesn't bother me. I'm sorry."

Then, she quickly went out of the screen door. I watched her run off into the woods. I felt really sad for her. Atleast I still get a chance with my mate. Hers didn't even give her that. She got rejected before she could be really loved.

I went back into the kitchen and made the rest of the food. I take the food out into the dining room and let everyone eat. Britney's mom says

" Where is Britney".

I flinch and say " She went into the woods for a run."

Her mom nods in understanding after I quickly nodded towards Blaine and Whitney. She was the only one who saw it. Her mom looked sad and mind linked her husband as to where Britney was and why. He nodded his head.  He yelled

"Blaze breakfast is ready!!!!!"

I felt my wolf and I get really excited. I heard someone running down the steps and smelt the most delicious scent. It smelled like peanut butter chocolate. I knew it was Blaze because that is how he always smells. My wolf is screaming mate.

Blaze runs into the kitchen, but immediately stops. He sniffs the air and looks around. His eyes land on me. At the same time, we both whisper 'MATE'. He runs up to me. Blaze picks me up and spins me around in circles. Everyone is clapping for us. I barely hear them though because my heart is beating so fast from the sparks and tingles going through my body. Blaze sets me down and we eat breakfast.

After breakfast Blaze brings me to his room. The first thing he says is

" How come I never knew you were my mate?".

I tell him the same story that I told Britney. I took a while because he kept getting really mad and I had to keep calming him down. Blaze didn't like the fact that I cut myself,but i promised him I would never do it again.

By the end of my story it was pretty dark out. Britney and I woke up at ten, so we all had breakfast at lunch time. While I was telling the story, Blaze got us some dinner. Britney still hasn't come back, so I was a little worried. 

Blaze and I layed down and watched teen wolf together. He really didn't want to, but he did for me. He pretended to watch it when he really just stared at me and played with my hair. I rolled over and curled into his side. I stared into his eyes. They were captivating. 

"Can I mark you as mine please?" Blaze asks.

I nod my head 'Yes' and he marks me as his. I yawn and lay back down. Blaze lays besides me, so my head was on his chest. I fall into the best sleep I have ever had. 

And to make it better. 

I finally had my mate by my side.

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