Hello Alpha

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After Blaze mind linked me, he called me and basically yelled at me to get to his house now.When I got there he yelled,

" Do you want to explain why the fuck I found letters on my sisters bed explaining that she left because YOU, my sisters MATE, REJECTED her!?!?!?!!!!".

I didn't know what to feel, but my wolf was being a big influence on me. My wolf was pissed!!

Then Blaze's parents both said" What? Show us the letters now".

Britney's mom started sobbing hysterically. Then, her dad screamed at me.

" Why the fuck did you reject my beautiful daughter as your fucking mate, you selfish bastard?"

Then, Blaze shoved a letter that Britney apparently wrote to me in my hands and said "Hope your happy that you broke up a family an I would like to see how you live your life knowing that you made Britney leave. I am also going to make sure that you don't hurt my sister by messing around with any other girls".

I was getting mad because I told him,"You idiot, I am the alpha and I didn't mark your sister, so she will never feel a thing".

I could tell that I went to far and that made him lose it. In the blink of an eye, I had been pinned up against the wall by Blaze and was slowly being chocked by him. Blaze said

"Correction, you are the future alpha and my sister has a fucking NAME you asshole. Her name is Britney and she isn't in my life now because of you. Just think of her getting a new life, new mate, getting married an having his kids, then think about all the things you could have had but no longer do because of your stupidity. Knowing my sister she will come out on top and bring you down looking like a complete and utter fool in the process".

As Blaze said this, he was utterly calm mostly through and extra scarry. When he said Britney would get a new mate and move on with her life without me, I flinched every single time because it should have always been me with her not someone else. The worst part was that he would most likely be right and one day Britney would be back. She would bring me down with her being on top. When she left today at school, she didn't have to say it. I could see it in her eyes.

Meanwhile, Blaze was literally dieing from willing his body not to laugh at my expression because of what he said about Britney moving on.

Blaze did something that shocked me and I wasn't ready for or expecting. He kneed me in the balls which hurt like hell. Then, he threw me out the door and made me hit my car. And if that wasn't enough I bounced off my car and hit a tree head first. I hit my head on a tree. A FUCKING TREE!!!!!! When I looked back, Blaze and his parents were standing at the door laughing their asses of. Like WTF!!! I just got into my car and drove back to the pack house with a major headache.




Just as I find a seat a really cute guy walks in. OMG, he's coming my way. All my excitement immediately fades when he says

"Who are you and what are you doing on my territory!!".

All I can think is what the hell did I get myself into!!!!!!!! AWWW SHIT!!!!!


"Umm, I-I'm sorry. Are you the alpha of this errr pack?" I said.

Mystery guy said, "Yes, I am the alpha of the Blue Moon Pack. Now rouge what do you think you are doing on my territory?"

" I ran away from the Red Blood Pack because my mate was the future alpha and he rejected me today. WAIT!! DID YOU JUST SAY YOU WERE THE ALPHA OF THE BLUE MOON PACK?!?!" I replied.

He laughed and sat down "Yup, Why are you so suprised and I'm sorry to hear about your mate. If you were my mate, I definetly wouldn't reject you. From where I am sitting, you look like you could kick anyone's ass whenever you wanted. My name is Blaine by the way".

" Well, first of all, you are really young like maybe 20 and second your pack is the biggest pack in North America. And I hope I look like I can kick ass because my parents aren't the best pack warriors and trainers for nothing"I said laughing.

"I am sold. You will be my new best friend and join my pack as a warrior. Then, if you succeed as a warrior, you will also be a pack trainer like your parents. May I ask what your name is and your parents names are?" Blaine said.

" Really! Thank you soo much!!!!! My parents are Gabriel and Ashley Falls and my name is Britney Falls" I told Blaine.

" OMFG, your kidding right. Your parents are one of the best set of pack fighters and trainers anyone has ever had. I have been trying to get them to join my pack for 2 years, but they always declined because of their kids and I guess you would be one of them!" Blaine said excitedly.

"Huh, I didn't know that. Honestly, I wish they didn't decline the offers because Detriot is my favorite place in America. I have always wanted to come here since I was 8 years old. I find you really easy to talk to, my new best friend" I said sounding suprised.

"Well thanks bestie. Now, lets go back to the pack house and get you a room. Then, I will introduce you to the pack warriors. We just lost our pack trainer. He died because his mate was killed by rouges and he didn't get their quick enough to save her. We need a new pack trainer and bestie I think that would be you" Blaine said.

"Thanks" I then followed him to his car. "Can I follow you on my bike cuz' I don't want to leave it here?"

"Sure but stay behind me. Wait hold up, did you say bike as in motorcycle? What kind off motorcycle do you have, Ms. Badass?" Blaine said.

"I have a black Ducati" I said.

"OMG, that is soo cool. I will personally make sure nobody scratches it for you. Hurry up and follow me" Blaine excitedly replied.

On the way to my new pack house, the view that I got was amazing. When we pulled up to gates, somebody let us pass through them. The driveway was gorgeous. There was pink weeping willow trees making a beautiful arched entrance way. At the end of the driveway, there was a large foundation with a wolf with what looked like the Moon Goddess. When I saw the pack house, my jaw dropped all the way to the floor. On the outside, it looked as to be 6 stories high and looked like a white mansion or palace that could belong to a king.

When Blaine and I walked in, there was a beautiful light fixture hanging from the ceiling. Blaine gives me a quick tour. On the first floor is a kitchen, dining room, living room, indoor pool, indoor basketball court, an indoor garden, and a huge bathroom or locker room. The second floor had a game room, movie room, art studio, a ball room, a living room that was more like a hang-out room, a play room for the pups, a snack room, a mini kitchen, and three bathrooms. Floor three had bathrooms and bedrooms for the regular pack members. Floor four had a gym, training room, spa room, and a room that was really cold used to cool off after training. The fifth floor was where the Gamma (third in commands) room was along with my room. The sixth floor had Blaine's room and the beta's room.

When I walked into my room, I was suprised. I had a queen size be with black and red sheets. They looked like bright red paint was splattered onto the black and I automatically loved them. I noticed I had two more doors. On revealing an empty walk in closet. The other revealing a huge bathroom that had a lot of black marble or granite in it. There was also a huge walk in shower, tub, and my favorite a jacuzzi. I couldn't wait to get a chance to try that out. When I came out, I noticed that all of my furniture was black except for my white tables and red dressers. I also noticed that Blaine was in leaning into the doorway and smiling. He said,

"I take it that you like the room" I nodded my head and continued "Well then, we will go shopping tomorrow for your clothes and stuff, but in the meantime we need to atleast introduce you to the pack fighters". And with that, he walked out motioning for me to follow him which I did. I was happy that I had a new friend and a pack. For the rest of the day, I never once thought about Adrian's rejection although I did really miss my family.



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