Dormitory Disaster

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As the cocaine-like high of quidditch victory began to get less high, the boys (Harry and Draco) had to face the realities of moving Draco into Vampirius. They had to move all his stuff; his trunk and books and clothes and brooms and parchment and quills and snacks and shoes and cauldrons and potion supplies and wand and gifts from home and silverware and pet and backup wand and personal pillows. It was a lot to carry from the dungeons all the way to Vampirius House, which was above the astronomy tower. Previously it was invisible from the eyes of the unworthy school, but now it was perched above like massive bat.

It took them two hours to finally get everything into the dormitory. They were both very tired and sweaty afterwards, sitting on the floor, leaning against Draco's trunk and panting.

"Fuck, I'm hot," Draco said, and he peeled his shirt off of his sweaty, beautiful body, like a snake removing its skin. Harry watched hungrily as Draco revealed inch after inch of pale, moist skin. Harry envied every drop of sweat on Draco's chest, wishing he could slowly roll down the curve of his impressive pecs and traverse the peaks and valleys of his abs, leaving a bit of himself sticking to Draco's skin, later evaporating until only his salt was left clinging to the whiteness of Draco. Harry licked his lips as a particularly sexy drop of sweat made its way hotly under the waistband of Draco's pants. His mate-senses were going nuts, and his back was leaving a back-shaped scorch mark on Draco's trunk.

"Potter," Draco said with a gasp, "Are you...leering at me?" He brought a hand to his chest, and Harry envied that too. If only he were that pale, long-fingered palm pressing against that sweaty chest. If only he could be permanently attached to Draco's wrist, and by association arm and shoulder and body. Harry licked his lips.

"Well," Harry smirked, his voice lusty with husk, you ARE my mate..." He smiled, licking his lips. It was going to be wonderful to be able to spend so much alone time with Draco and make up for all these wasted years. He silently thanked Hogwarts for putting Draco into Vampirius. "Thank you, Hogwarts," he said, thankfully.

"What?" Draco said, "I...really Ha-...Potter, you are quite uncivilized, nothing like my aristocratic and well-bred family." Draco was staring at Harry, his face becoming redder by the second, a lovely shade of scarlet filling his cheeks and nose and ears. "I'm going to take a shower." Draco stood up, grabbing some of his clothes, which had all changed to suit his new house colors.

"Would you like some company?" Harry asked, pulling at the hem of his own shirt suggestively. This could only mean one thing: Naked.

Draco shook his head, blond locks flinging precious sweat every which way in beautiful slow motion. A drop landed on Harry's lip and Harry grabbed it with his tongue, a thrill of horniness shivering through his body. "Don't be ridiculous you savage lout!" Draco said in a way that said he would actually like that very much. "If you need the bathroom you'll have to find one elsewhere, because I'm putting an Ununlockable Charm on the door until I'm finished." With that he swept out of the room and slammed the door.

Harry sighed, shaking his head as his sweat turned to steam on his hot body.

------POV SWiTCH------

-----DRACO'S POV------

Winning Quidditch and switching houses had been very exciting, like he had taken a drug potion, but Draco wasn't thrilled about having to move all his things from the bottom of the castle to the top. Moving was so uncivilized. By the time Harry and he had made it to the Vampirius Dormitory with his trunk, clothes, books, parchment, quills, tomes, paper, attire, books and such, he was very tired and sweaty.

"Fuck, I'm hot," he said, unable to stand it anymore. He took his shirt off and tossed it to the side. He fanned himself while admiring his new bedroom. Maybe he should put up his posters and make this place more civilized.

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