An unfortunate "situation"

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Michael was having trouble paying attention to the teacher. More than usual I should say. He had been told he had a very sensitive nose, but really? Did no one else smell it? The delicious scent? At first he thought there was pizza for lunch, then it grew stronger and it smelled like a distant omega. No big. But by now he could smell every detail of it. An omega in heat.

Their school backed up onto a couple of houses, and in one of them, an omega was deep, deep,in "that time of the months".Michaels last class was the closest to the houses, and it didn't help that he sat in the very back corner, next to a window. he couldn't smell any alphas around the omega either. He looked around the room, no other alphas seemed to notice. Brook fidigited in her seat a little bit, but she didn't look that bothered, she just applied more lip gloss and continued to take notes.

Michael took a deep breath in trying to find any hint of alpha. Nope. All that did was make Michael hard. Oh come on. Why now. Why did THIS threaten to send him into rut?

He looked over to his boyfriend next to him on the left side of their double desk. Jeremy had his head rested on his arms, trying hard to keep his eyes open. Now Michael was picturing the scent matching that beautiful face. Great. He felt himself teeter on the edge of a rut. This couldn't happen in class. That would be reputation destroying. The moment he fell into rut there was no going back.

Ok what's a big turn off? Uhhhhhh grandma, mr. Rayes, naked girls, speaking of girls remember in 6th grade when you dared Jeremy to wear a dress and he looked SUPER hot? He fell. The rut hit him like ice water. He shuddered in his seat and sub conciliatory thrust up into the bottom of his desk, causing quite a commotion.

"Mr. Mell is there something you would like to add to this discussion?" Michael shook his head, trying not to yell out, "no ma'am, just got the chills." He smiled and gave a thumbs up to his teacher. He silently thanked his tanned skin for helping hide the intense blush spreading all over his face. Jeremy looked at him without taking his head off the desk, eyes half lidded, still dazed from the boring class.

Michael met his eyes raising his eyebrows, darting his eyes down at his crotch and then looked back up at Jeremy. As if to gesture to his situation. Jeremy looked puzzled at first then slowly looked down at Michaels crotch. Jeremy was wide awake now. Looking back up at Michael, who was still smelling the air and biting his lip to suppress moans. Jeremy picked up his pen and scribble md something out on his notebook, "rut or just horny?" He slid the notebook over to Michael. Michael was far to afraid to speek, afraid he would just let out an embarrassing sex sound instead. he just tapped the word rut, letting out a quiet, inhuman sound. Jeremy's eyes widened even more.

He watched Michael hurriedly press a hand to his hard on to relieve some of the pressure, almost immediately bucking his hips up into his palm desperately. Clasping a shakey hand over his mouth. He lay his head down on the desk, the way you do when you put your book on your lap and pretend to read when your actually just sleeping. He bounced his leg frantically trying to distract himself from the ache between his legs. As long as he didn't let his instincts take over his motions, he would be ok.

Jeremy looked around the room to see if the coast was clear, nobody seemed to be paying attention, and Mrs. Patterson was busy showing examples of, whatever they were learning about. It looked a ok. Jeremy turned his head down and assumed the same position as Michael. He opened his mouth to speak but was immediately hit by a wall of Alpha in rut scent. At this rate, this scent would fill half of the school by the end of the hour. Jeremy quickly reached in his backpack and pulled out a pill.

Michael looked up at Jeremy, saw the pill, and the fear of what it could be was enough to scare him into sobriety for just a second. The memories, flooding back. Hearing Jeremy screaming in pain in the mall that day. Ignoring him, calling him a Loser. Wanting to die right there in the bathroom that night. And in the end, the fact that it had put Jeremy in the HOSPITAL.

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