Chapter 23 : Truble under ground

Start from the beginning

They had been walking for haurs

Dusty was starting to get hungry 'maybe i could eat one of em quilava's' he thought to himself.

Liam stopped "were almost there....but i hear something" Dusty got tensed by this "hehehe!" Liam backed away as a shiny Sylveon jumped in front pf them. She glanced at Dusty "hehe hey there" Dusty growled when he realized it was Skylar but Liam smiles "well hello"  Dusty glared at Liam "grrr don't fall for her tricks she's the reason why Steel is trapped!" Skylar smirks at that "yup i sure am....but that bitch had it caming i gave her a warning but she didn't listen to me"

Dusty's fur ruffled along his back "You lie about her!..why are doing this?" Liam tilted his head "wait lie'd about what?" He asked but Dusty and Skylar payd no attention to him. "How do you know it was a lie huh?" She said making Duty angry. "It was a lie!! She's not a dangerous pokemon" he growled but Sjylar smiled "awe don't warrie she'll die a slow death like i told em to do" Duty shoot his head up "WHAT?!!? that supposed to mske me feel better?" He said and changed at the shiny but she was gone in a flash and Dusty tripped over a tree stump "owe!" Duty got up right away "Wha-what?...were is she, she can't possibly be that fast can she?" Liam shook his head "No...that was vary trippy right there not even a jolteon can run that fast" Dusty frowned. "Ugh i hate that stupit Sylveon!" Liam lowerd his head "well sorry but she didn't really do anything to bad we can still help your friend if we're fast enough"

Dusty noded "your we almost there?" Liam noded and lead the way again and before Duty know it there was a gap in the ground big enough for them to fite in "already we need a plan i know where the keep prisoner's so, so I'm looking for a female umbreon right?" Dusty noded "yes...but what do i do?" Liam smile "you'll distract them then after we'll meet by the oak tree you can't miss it they call it the tree of soul's alright" Dusty noded 'wait that's the tree me and steel need to go to anyways...but i didn't know it had a name...tree of souls why's it called that?'

But he just shoock the thought away and squeeze inti the hole and he was soon blind by the darkness but he used his sense of small to fine his way to the quilava 'now jow do i do this? can i get all there atencton at once?' He thoughth

He looked around untill he picked up the sent of food 'thats it I'll steal some food supplies'

He run towards it trying to make nice to catch there atencton watch It worked "Hey who's there?" That was kings voice "It's that lycanroc again he's sealing food" Dusty grabed as much to look bad so they would Chase him 'now i got to find a different way out so i don't lead them to Liam and Steel'

Dusty took off running and he heard a bunch of paw steps chasing him. Dusty could feel thst the space was getting smaller 'Oh Arceus let me fite through this tunnel!'

Dusty found himself really strongling to get through he gropped the food and shoved himself through and before he knew it he was out in daylight but that wasn't the end of the chase. The quillava's and king himself berst out of the ground "kill him for stealing!" Dusty's heart sank at that "uh-oh" he ran away fast and king chased after him 'i got to lose them!'

Dusty ran and found himself in front of a river he looked back to see the quilavas snd king running at him 'forget this i rather drawn then deal with them!' And with that Dusty jumped into the river as soon as he did the water sucked him unber and he was being carried away.

Dusty fight the water and tryed to get to the top but what was the use he was a rock type they were week in the water. He was starting to lost air and his muscles were giving out 'no...i can't go out like this'

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