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As always Johnny took me out for food, a normal event.

"Johnny we gotta talk."


"Jaehyun is on to us."

"Already it hasn't even been a full 24 hours."

"I know. We have to be extremely careful now."



"Fuck. I think it's time for us to go."

With the normal procedure throwing on our hats and face masks we pay for our food and leave. But it's not as easy as it sounds. The entire sidewalk of the restaurant is flooded with people trying to take pictures and talk to us. I keep my head down almost all the way to the car as security helps us.  I turn to my left and I'm shocked at what I see. A sign in big letters saying:

"Y/n, get lost. You're better off dead."

My eyes are covered by a big ass hand and I know it's Johnny's and it stays there until we get to the car.

"Didn't I tell you to always keep your head down?"

"Yes but i-"

"There is no buts"

"But i-"


"Why are you getting so worked up about this?"

"I just don't wanna see anything happen to you, okay? I don't want you to see or hear the things that people say about you. I want you to only hear the best things."

How does a scolding sound so beautiful?

"Fine I won't lift my head again, okay?"

"Thank you. Are you okay?"

"Yeah it's an everyday thing. I'm used to it."

*Sigh* "give me your phone."

"What?! No!"

"Give it or I'll take it."

"Touch my baby and you'll die"

"Really. What's more important to you, me or your phone?"



"Hold on I'm thinking."




"You're on the same level of importance."

"Oh really" he says leaning over to me. "Are we really?" He said with a deep and raspy seductive voice, with his mouth right next to my ear.

"Here you go." I quickly said throwing my phone to him.

"That's what I thought." I lean over to see him logging me out of all of my social media accounts and deleting the apps.

"Yah! You know I don't remember my passwords."

"That's the point." He said giving my phone back.

"How will I live without my social media now?"

"Peacefully." He said crossing his legs and slinging an arm around my shoulder, but I push it off. "Are you really mad at me?"


"Are you sure?~"


"How can I make it up to you?"

"Unless you know the passwords to all my accounts you can't"

"Didn't think I would have to do this." He says straightening his clothes and clearing his throat. "Johnny is sorry. He won't do it again. Please forgive him" he says in a baby-ish voice.

"Ugh. I hate that you can get me with that." I sigh and he laughs.

Adrenaline- NCT Johnny Seo FfWhere stories live. Discover now