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Another day I wake up to hate. As always I wake up and check my phone first seeing multiple articles and comments mentioning me.

"What is she there for again?"

"She's useless."

"She's ugly anyways.".

"She has no talent."

Same old same old. No difference from any other day.

"Y/n stop reading those comments. You know they're just jealous of you." Johnny walks out the kitchen with two cups of coffee.

"Thanks I jus- wait who let you in?!"

"I let myself in."

"Don't you knock?!"

"Nope I just put the pin in."

"I could have been naked."

"You're too insecure for that."

"Touche." He's right even when I'm by myself I'm still too insecure to walk around without clothes.

"Well its our day off. What shall we do  today?"

"Wait isn't 127 and the swaggers going to an amusement park or something."

"Oh right. Completely forgot."

"I know grandpa brain."

"That's it!" He put his coffee on the closest surface and tackled me to where I was laying back in the bed him in top of me. He didn't do anything though. He just sat there. We sat there. Staring at each other.

"Get off of me weirdo!" I broke trying to break the awkwardness between us.

"I'm the weirdo?! You're the one that kept staring."

"I was not."

"Whatever you say."

Dressed and ready to go with everyone on the bus. This time everyone is sat in the front since there isn't many people. Everyone doing what they normally do on the bus but in the middle of me and Johnny having a not so profound conversation my kept going off.

Good morning my beautiful goddess. Hope you day goes well. Can't wait to see you.

Its texts like these that warms a girl's heart. That makes them love you more than they already do. He's doing his job right.

Don't overwork yourself. I know everything will go great for you today. You deserve the world and more. Love you babe

"Is that Felix? again." Johnny asked

"Yeah" whenever I'm texting Felix I start to short answer people. I want to focus on writing a text that's just as nice as his.

"Still can't believe you're dating him"
Mark added in

"Why not?"

"He seems kind of full of himself." Taeyong answered.

From the text that I just received plus our almost year of dating. It doesn't even seem close.

"You guys can believe what you want but he is the sweetest thing to step foot on this planet."

"Okay don't say we didn't warn you" Doyoung cut in. "... And why did you guys leave the bus in such terrible shape yesterday. I was cleaning for hours."

"You should have asked for my febreeze"


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