
Around week seven Aybrum was used to the idea of only seeing Liam on the laptop or FaceTiming, but that didn't mean he was necessarily happy about the idea.

"Peanut daddies ready, do you want to hit the button this time?" Niall asked as he showed Aybrum the laptop screen that was open to Skype.

He leaned on the couch cushion, resting his chin in his hands as he shook his bum in the air and hummed before he answered. "No, you bubba."

Niall smiled, more than pleased to see his son back to his usual self and poked the video call button.

"Oi, Aybrum!" Liam cheered once their call had connected.

"Daddy!" The toddler squealed, immediately planing countless kisses on the screen and gave it a massive hug.

"Aybrum you have to sit back or he can't see you." Niall laughed, pulling the laptop back some and got Aybrum to settle down.

"I've miss you so much, bud." Liam sighed, laying on his side and moved the pillow out from underneath his arm. "I can't wait to come home and see you, I've bought so many things for you, your daddy and Brooklyn."

Aybrum furrowed his brow, leaning on Niall's legs. "I go Brook's home?"

A couple weeks ago Liam and Niall came to the decision that they would tell Aybrum he has a sister, the toddler wasn't phased the slightest by the sudden news of a sibling. He only giggled, asked what her name was and since then he's been asking to visit her so they can be friends.

"You'll see her soon, bud. When I come home for a bit, she'll be with me and then you two can play together. You excited to meet her?" Liam questioned, leaning up to switch on the other bedside lamp to give the dim room more light.

Aybrum nodded quickly, leaning forward onto Niall's legs and bounced his bum around in the air again. "Home now, daddy."

Liam smiled at the toddler, "I'm trying babe, another week and I'll be on a plane home. I better get a big hug from you when I'm home or I might cry."

"I love you daddy, I do it." Aybrum reassured, making both adults laugh as he hugged the laptop again.

"Hey peanut, why don't you go grab your new toy you wanted to show daddy - yeah." Niall suggested, knowing it would take Aybrum some time to get upstairs and dig around his toy bin.

Aybrum took off running without another word, leaving the two adults alone. Liam shifted around, leaning back against the massive headboard.

"Is he upstairs?" Liam murmured.

Niall paused, listening and then heard a door swing open. "Now he is," he laughed.

"I missed you babe." Liam sighed, "Oh and those texts are absolute torture, no more sexting me until I can be in the same room with you because I think I've sprained my wrist and if I go on stage with another hard on, Management will give me a vasectomy."

Niall laughed, "You poor thing." He teased in an amused tone, "But I can't wait till you're back. Aybrum will be happy, I'll be happier and you can see Brooklyn. Your mum called me the other day to invite Aybrum and I to Brooklyn's birthday party but I wasn't sure if we should go so I said I'd have to check our schedule."

Liam groaned as he briefly covered his face, "Fuck, I didn't even realize her birthday was so soon. No wonder Zayn's been super nice, her birthday falls on the weekend after he sees her and he usually goes all out for her."

"What do you mean? She's only turning two." Niall furrowed his brow, not understanding how you could possibly go all out for basically an infants birthday.

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