"I just.... I just thought it might be too soon." Hiccup confessed.

"Hiccup I'm more than 150 years old." Astrid stated. "I've seen a lot of wonderful would-be-couples and missed opportunities over the years. The thing I learned from them is, that you have to take the bull by the horns and go for it."

"AND WE ARE BACK!" Ruffnut announced cheerfully on the stage. "Our next act is quite a show stopper! May I present Mr. Fishlegs Ingerman!!!" Ruffnut introduced as Fishlegs walked on stage dressed in a classy tuxedo. 'It's now or never.' Hiccup gulped as the music started to play. "Astrid would you like to dance?" Hiccup asked as Fishlegs sang "When marimba rhythms start to play. Dance with me, make me sway."

"I would love to." Astrid smiled as she accepted Hiccup's invitation. Hiccup and Astrid got into position as the song continued. "Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore. Hold me close, sway me more." Fishlegs deep voice filled the room as Hiccup placed his hand on Astrid's waist and she her hand on his shoulder. Their other hands were clasped together as they started dancing.

"Finally some action." Heather high-fived Tuffnut as they watched Fishlegs croon out the song while Snotlout played the cello with the band.

"Like a flower bending in the breeze. Bend with me, sway with ease. When we dance you have a way with me. Stay with me, sway with me." The song continued as both Astrid and Hiccup were happily swaying on the dancefloor.

"Where did Hiccup learn to tango?" Heather asked Ruffnut. Surprisingly it was Camicazi, seated at the bar, who answered. "Three years of ballroom dancing lessons. I should know. He stepped on my feet often enough when he first started."

"Well it certainly is paying off now." Heather laughed.

Meanwhile in another part of town, Henry stumbled out of the small bar, clearly drunk. His tie was loosened and his hair was sticking at odd angles. He was so drunk that he only stumbled as a black sedan stopped in front of him. A window was rolled down and Krogan asked from the back seat while his two goons sat in front "Where's my money Henry?"

"Huh?" Henry was so out of it that he squinted to get a good look at the person speaking.

"Where is my money!" Krogan hissed as his eyes narrowed. "You should have left the broad broke by now."

"She dumped me." Henry muttered before throwing up on the pavement. Krogan growled angrily before ordering his goons to grab their target.

"Not in the car!" Krogan shouted as the two muscled men began manhandling Henry. "I don't want my leather interior to reek of alcohol and vomit. Throw him in the boot." The guys nodded and opened the trunk before shoving the still drunk and drowsy Henry in it.

"Hey watch it!!" Henry shouted indignantly as he was enveloped in darkness as the car trunk was slammed shut.

"Where to boss?" The lacky asked once the men were back in the car.

"To the dock." Krogan stated completely unamused. "Time to sober Haddock up."

"Gotcha boss."

"Oh, and drive through as many potholes as you can." Krogan added as an afterthought.

"Right... gotcha boss." The men smirked as they started the car again and drive off.

It took about ten minutes to reach the docks and the men dragged Henry out to an abandoned pier. "Hey watchint...ugh." Henry slurred as he struggled to get free. One of the thugs decided to dunk his head in a barrel of water and when he was let back up he gasped for air.

"I smell like fish!" Henry protested as he coughed up more water.

"He's sober enough boss!" The man that had dunked him stated.

"Good." Krogan said as he drew a revolver out of his coat.

"Now Henry where is my money."

"I.... don't got it." Henry managed to sputter as he tried to rear back at the sight of the gun. The two thugs however held him in place.

"Well you see. That's a bit of a problem for me." Krogan stated unemotionally.

"I had her wrapped around my finger Krogan. I promise you that!" Henry pleaded. "She found out I lied from my brother and then she went psycho on me!"

"That is a rather fascinating story." Krogan said as he pointed the gun at Henry's head. "Still I don't see the debt you owe me."

"What if I can promise you'd be a millionaire! No a billionaire!" Henry shouted. "I've found out this freaky town's true secret!"

Krogan scoffed and did not holster his gun. "Oh really? And what is this secret?" He decided to humor Henry.

"They have dragons! Lots of them in the forest!" Henry admitted. This however caused Krogan and his two goons to burst out in laughter.

"Alright, I have to admit that is the most original ploy any man I've met has come up with. Now it's time for you to die!"

"WAIT! I CAN PROVE IT!" Henry shouted. "My brother has one of those beasts in his house. You get it and sell it then you'd be rich!"

"Well then...." Krogan smirked. "If you're so adamant to prove it then we should all go have a little chat with that brother of yours."

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