Chapter 18

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The things that happened the night at the restaurant went on for days. Eren will bring it up during training, making Hanji react negatively and giving him more vigorous training. Due to Eren's loud mouth, it began to spread like wild fire. 

Nanaba will come by every day to greet Makoto and talk to her for a bit before returning to whatever she does during the day. Makoto just took this as a sign of Nanaba being friendly and not wanting anything awkward between them. The girls that also went to the restaurant that night started acting distant towards Makoto which she didn't know why.

Ever since that night, Kyouko tries to hang out with Makoto whenever she can. She starts sitting with her for meal times, starting up conversations and rebuilding their bond. Makoto appreciates her efforts and will talk back rather than ignore her.

One day, Levi hands Makoto a letter and orders her to hand it to the commander of the Military Police. As much as Makoto didn't want to do anything that day, she couldn't ask Eren to do it since Hanji busy with him.

Following Levi's directions, Makoto heads to an area where it was a common hangout spot for the Military Police to drink and play card games. It reeks of alcohol, sweat, and cigars. Makoto just wants to get this over with and hand the letter to someone so she can leave. Levi told her that the commander should be hanging around this area so Makoto looks around to find anyone that fits the description of the Military Police commander. 

"Hey look! It's a fucking dog!" A drunk man shouts and begins to imitate barks and whimpers to make his friends laugh.

Makoto rolls her eyes and holds back a growl that was about to rise in her throat. She keeps her composure and continues to look around. They start to howl and bark louder, but the breaking point was when one of the men said, "Go run away with your tail tucked between your legs!"

Makoto loses it and goes over to them, grabbing the man who said that by his shirt. "Say that to my face right now." She demands, her eyes flickering green.

The guy begins to panic and flail around. "Let me go, you freak!" He shouts and squeezes her forearm in attempt to make her loosen her grip. This only pisses her off even more and throws him at a nearby table, causing it to break. 

The people around them begin to chant, betting money on who will win. The man groggily gets back on his feet and glares at Makoto with rage in his eyes. Makoto smirks at his attempt of trying to be the tough guy.

The chanting begins to die down when the crowd parted to reveal two people walking towards the middle. 

"What the hell is going on here?!" A female voice shouts, drawing Makoto and the man she's fighting's attention. 

One of them was Annie but Makoto couldn't recongize the other girl. 

"What are you doing here?" Annie asks when she notices Makoto.

"Levi wanted me to hand your commander this," Makoto says and pulls out the letter. 

The other girl snatches the letter from her hand and glares up at her, "You may think you're strong but you're on our turf now."

"Hitch, just get the letter to the commander." Annie says.

Hitch scoffs at her order but leaves anyways. The crowd also begins to disperse and return to what they were doing previously. 

Annie moves closer to Makoto, gently touching her arm and running her fingers along the scars Makoto received from her days when she was being used as an experiment. "Are all your wounds healed up now?" 

Makoto shivers a bit against her t ouch and nods, "Yeah, I'm good now."

Annie nods and moves her hand away. "Walk with me," Annie says, sounding more like a command but Makoto follows her anyways.

The two walk alongside each other, enjoying the silence hanging between them. Makoto glances down at her, taking in the small details. She notices how her eyes were a much lighter blue than Nanaba's and her eyes hid a lot of emotions behind them.

People are scared of Annie and rumors even started saying that she was heartless based on the fact that she never smiles or shows emotions. But there were moments back then when it was just the both of them and Makoto will see a small smile form on the corner of her lips and small amounts of affection like a single pat on the head.

As they head back, Annie stops them, "I know about your kiss."

Makoto mentally curses Eren and the boys for being loud-mouths before replying, "It was just a forehead kiss. It wasn't anything serious."

Now, what am I supposed to do? I won't deny that it happened but why is it so awkward?

"I don't like it," Annie says out of nowhere, catching Makoto by surprise.

"What? What are you talking about Annie?" Makoto asks confused.

"I don't like the fact that she could have kissed you," Annie states and before Makoto could react or ask any more questions, Annie grabs her shirt and pulls her into a kiss.

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