Hanji's Experimental Report 1

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Current Project Name:  Canine in Containment 

Danger Level: Extremely dangerous (Proceed this project with caution and never work unless there are more than 4 people around)

Test Subject: Makoto Ichijo

Gender: Female

Current Age: 14

Eye Color: Dark gray

Hair Color: White

Height: 6 ft

Relative(s): Kyouko Ichijo (younger sister) (Current Age: 12)

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Relative(s): Kyouko Ichijo (younger sister) (Current Age: 12)

Note: - Her younger sister is currently is known to be normal and powerless

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- Her younger sister is currently is known to be normal and powerless.
- She continues to live on with the others.


Experiment Reason(s):
- Similar to Eren Yeager's situation, she is able to transform but transforms into a large wolf.
- Has no self-control when transformed
- Has currently killed over 10 people transformed

Height (Tip of the ears to paws when transformed): 11 meters

Length (Tip of the snout to tip of the tail when transformed): 16 meters

Fur color: White

Eye color: Green

Current State (wolf form):
-Being held in a custom cage away from society.
-A muzzle is kept on in case anyone gets too close.
-Is beaten to test how dangerous her wolf form is.
-Tied down by chains so she won't attack anyone.
-Very beaten, cut, and bruised.

Current state (Human form):- When she passes out in her wolf form, people were strictly ordered to leave her inside

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Current state (Human form):
- When she passes out in her wolf form, people were strictly ordered to leave her inside.
- Refuses to speak, eat, or even look at anyone.
- Used to be electrocuted whenever she lashed out.
- Even in human form, she is chained down.
- When others ask where she was, they are told that Makoto is busy helping out with the Scout Regiment as a punishment for losing control.

For the first several times, whenever she refuses to transform, she is cut or stabbed at her wrist, forcing her to transform. She currently transforms willing due to the fear of being stabbed or cut at her wrist again.

 She currently transforms willing due to the fear of being stabbed or cut at her wrist again

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- When she transforms, she is either standing on the hind legs or on all four paws.
- The claws and teeth are as sharp as the ODM blades and longer than an average human's hand
- Researchers tried to pull out a tooth but it was too sturdy. Two researchers were eaten due to this attempt.
- Has strong legs allowing it to be quicker and stronger than an average titan
- The jaw is strong enough to crush a titan's skull 
- The thick fur allows more protection so when titans try to bite down, they won't be able to bite through skin.
- Seems to have a completely different mind than Makoto's.
- Kills whatever it was without hesitation.
- Can let out growls loud enough to cause the ground to shake a bit.

Further research will go on in the future.

Despite my desire of finding out more about her and her wolf form, I don't agree with this experiment. What they are doing is inhumane and I wish I can do something to help. But in my current position, I'm considered helpless and all I can do is watch and participate in the "experiment". They always thought I was cruel for wanting to keep live titans to test on! I remember for the first several weeks of the "experiment", she would look at me with betrayal, anger, and hatred in her eyes. But now, I barely even see any emotions. She won't even look up, she just sits there when she's in a human form, staring at nothing. But whenever I am able to look at her, her face has scars, cuts, bruises, and dry blood. Her eyes are dull without emotions and her gray eyes look darker than normal. They plan to continue this experiment as long as they want to. I don't know when they'll stop, it's been months. Kyouko and her friends have been asking daily where has she been and how she was doing. By now the training corps have become a part of either of the three military branches while Makoto is still stuck here. It's not good, a couple of her friends are getting suspicious of what's happening. On the good side, Levi and Erwin are beginning to doubt supporting this. I currently don't know what will happen later on in the future or what they plan to do to her.

-Hanji Zoe

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