Chapter 5

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Brock runs as fast as he can as he carries an unconscious Ash. He follows the mouse wearing the pink dress down the hall trying to find a place to hide as fast as they can knowing that Calem and Madame Venus are likely not far from catching up to find Ash.

"Just my luck that you got yourself into trouble, Ash," Brock says as he hustles.

It isn't long before the tall man and the mouse hears a beastly growl echoing from far behind them. The mouse squeaks in fear as they make it to a large hall. The mouse runs over to the other side and points at a table before standing under it. Brock nods in understanding as he runs over to her and hides under the table with Ash. The raven-haired man snores softly as Brock and the mouse peck from under the table with dread. No sooner do they hide than they hear Calem's heavy footsteps get louder and louder until finally, the monstrous giant enters the hall. Calem scans the area as he slowly puts one of his long feet over the other. He walks over to the table and suddenly sits on it, surprisingly not breaking it and crushing the two men and the mouse underneath it. Brock feels his heart racing as he dares to look up from his hiding spot to see Calem scratching his nose in thought.

Suddenly, Brock and the mouse hear a soft groan and they turn to see Ash slowly coming to. Their eyes widen as the raven-haired man slowly gets up.

"Wha...wha ha -" Ash begins before Brock quickly covers his mouth and holds him down. Ash struggles and tries to speak despite Brock's hand blocking his mouth.

"Quiet, Ash," Brock hisses. "Stay still. The giant is right above us."

"Giant? What giant?" Ash whispers carefully after Brock lets go of his mouth.

But before Brock can answer, they hear another growl from Calem. The giant stands up again and turns around to face the table. Ash, Brock, and the mouse silently gulp as Calem gets down on one knee and gets ready to lift the table.


Calem turns around and sees Madame Venus glaring down at him on the second-floor balcony.

"Stop crawling around like an overgrown beetle and find Ash before he gets away!" she barks before she leaves.

Calem stands up and stares at where his sister was with an irritated glare. He begins grumbling incoherent words at the balcony as if his sister is still there and he is making an angry comeback. He then makes gestures with his hands, mentally imagining himself strangling Madame Venus or breaking her in half like a toothpick as he snarls venomously.

"That looks like our chance. Let's go," Brock whispers.

Ash and the mouse nod in agreement. The three of them quietly crawl out from under the table and tiptoe out of the hall. When they get far enough, they run as fast as they can just in time for Calem to turn back to the table and finally lift it up only for there to be nothing under it.

"Where are we going?" Ash asks.

"We're following the mouse," Brock says pointing at the mouse which is leading them. "She's the one that showed me a secret passageway to the kitchen to save you."

"Wait, there's a secret passageway?" Ash asks confused. "Since when was there something like that in Lumiose Castle?"

"If I had to guess, there might be more to our old home than what we originally knew," Brock says. "So I'm hoping she knows another one where we can hide."

Ash nods in understanding before the mouse squeaks and turns to a nearby wall. She presses on a stone and the wall turns to reveal a secret passageway. Ash and Brock look at each other in surprise before entering the passageway and the mouse closes it behind them. She leads them to a dark, narrow hall until they see a small room where a dozen other mice are chattering to each other while standing up dressed like people. The two men stare at this in confusion until the mouse with the pink dress squeaks louder than the rest and they all turn around to see her pointing at Ash and Brock. Suddenly, all the other mice squeak with joy as they walk over to Ash and Brock visibly happy to see them. Two of them in particular, a fat one dressed like a general and a skinny one dressed like a minstrel appear to be the most pleased to see the two men as they are standing right in front of Ash and Brock and squeaking with the most cheer as if they were reunited with very close friends.

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