Part 1 I hate Furies

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I was waiting for the bus when I heard a scream. I looked over I was sacred it would be a monster, which wouldn't have surprised me since I was a demigod but it wasn't. It was just a thief running away from .....Spider-man. I stuck out my foot and as the man hurtled to the ground my phone rang. I looked at it an saw it was my mam I mentally thanked the kids from the Hecate cabin who had enchanted phones so that monsters wouldn't be able to track us. I answered. 

"Hi, mam"

"Emma, Annabeth called I told her you're at the school play practice, what time will you be home" I felt someone's shoulders brush against mine.

"Like half an hour or something if I don't run into any...... inconvenience" I was fully aware that there was someone sitting beside me.

"Alright, I love you"

"Love you too mam" with this I hung up and almost instantly someone taped me on the shoulder. 

"Thank you" It was Spider-man.

"I didn't do anything though" I frowned, "I only stuck out my foot, I was the decent thing to do". I tried to place his voice it sounded oddly familiar. "Yeah but most people jus-" He was cut off by a scream. We both looked in the direction of where the scream was coming from. 

There were two Furies with big leathery bat-like wings. "Just wait here" Spider-man turned to me but I didn't care I reached for my pen, which worked exactly like Percy's but was much smaller and less impressive than his. I held out my pen in front of me, I had to think of a way to distract them from killing any mortals. "Hey! Hairless chickens! Over here!" I screamed, uncapping my pen and revealing the celestial bronze sword. "What the hell are you doing!?" I heard Spider-man yell after me. I charged to the Fury on my left and grazed her leg, in response she scratched my cheek and whipped my side with her whip. I sliced her in half then watched her vaporizer in golden dust. I looked around for the other one, she had pinned down Spider-man to the ground, looks like even superheroes don't have experience fighting creatures from Greek mythology. I stuck my sword in to her back and she too vaporized, I quickly recapped my pen and shoved it in my pocket . 

I started to walk away but Spider-man stood in front of my making me stop in my tracks. "Hey! What were those things" He questioned me. I shrugged and tried to move past him but he kept walking in front of me. "None of your concern Wonder-boy" I grumbled and shouldered past him. "Really? Wonder-boy?" He called after me but I kept walking. 

My mind was racing. I was still trying to place Spider-man's voice, it sounded so familiar but so odd at the same time then my thoughts drifted to Annabeth, the last time I talked to her she was heading to the Roman Camp, Camp Jupiter with Leo, Piper and Jason. I'd only met them twice before once at Camp Half Blood and the other time through an Iris message. I was worried something might've gone wrong or really well, either way I was anxious to talk to her again after all we were really good friends. The whole way home I had to clutch my side from being whipped by the Fury. 

I finally arrived at the flat. I ran upstairs, I didn't need the neighbors worrying about me. I was safe until I got to my floor my neighbor was walking behind me, he taped me on the shoulder, I turned around.

"Hey Emma" He greeted me politely,"Are you.... ok?" I realized i was still holding my side, I quickly let go and nodded. "Hi, yeah I'm ok completely fine but um thanks for the concern Peter........ I have to go now, see you in school" I quickly ran in the door. 

My mam was sitting at the table the second I walked in she looked at me,"What happened?". I sat down and told her everything starting from the minute I walked out of the theater to when i stepped inside the house. "Do you want me to take the night off?" she asked me I felt guilty she was so concerned for me and she wanted nothing but the best. "No, definitely not" I told her, she sighed at that, "You do realize that I'm working the night and all day tomorrow, I'll only be home for an hour or two in the morning before you go to school" I could tell she didn't want to leave me but I nodded. "How bad is it?" she said pointing to my side, I lifted my shirt just enough to reveal the wound, "At least let me fix you up" she got up and went for the first aid box, I felt like we used it more than normal families.

Once she cleaned and covered my side she looked me in the eye and said "I have to go now, there's money on the counter if you need to get dinner or whatever, I'll be back in the morning before you go to school ok?". "Yeah, I'll be fine mam and besides I need to iris message Annabeth" She kissed my forehead and left telling me to be careful and not die. 

I walked in to my room searching for a golden drachma when an image hovered in front of me. I sat down, it was Annabeth. 

"Emma,......... is everything all right"

"Yeah, I'm fine I just got attacked by two Furies so they're not doing so great"

"What? Furies? How?"

"I have no idea" I recounted the events that had happened a few hours ago to Annabeth, "I bet it's nothing" I tried reassuring her

"Things are looking much better here, we haven't arrived at Camp Jupiter yet though"

"I hope everything goes as planned but if you're not in there yet why did you call?"

"I keep having a weird cold feeling on board the ship" She frowned 

"Ohhh maybe ghosts?" I joked hoping to brighten her mood and it worked she smiled a little

"Yeah you're right, it's probably nothing, I'll call you once we've arrived at Camp Jupiter to keep you updated" she said as she swiped across the mist and suddenly her image was gone.

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